Thursday, October 31, 2013

My friend and I were walking through the woods one Halloween day when we saw what appeared to be a short-cut. "Let's go that way," my freind said ...

This week's blog post is inspired by Halloween. To make it more interesting, I want you to incorporate the feelings of the five senses into your writing.

First, watch the TED talk by Jinsop Lee on "Design for all 5 Senses."  You can find the link to the website here:

Then, brainstorm using the Halloween senses worksheet.  Once you've finished the video and the brainstorming worksheet, please write a 1-2 paragraph blog post, using the prompt above as a starting point.  Make sure your post incorporates sensory experiences to make it more realistic. The story does not have to be real (it can be scary; it can be a fantasy), but it should sound realistic. I look forward to reading all your boo-tiful writing.

This blog post will be due on Wednesday, Nov. 6.


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  2. On this very day of October the 31st, I was walking in the woods at dusk, and I was merely inebriated with the smell of wet soil and majestic trees. I was walking slow, shivering as the cold wind was caressing my spine. It was pretty dark but I could see owls' eyes of gold and copper shining as I heard howling and shrieking. I was scared, but I decided to walk on, stepping on cracking branches and dead leaves. Slowly, a comforting smell of pumpkin spice and brown sugar reached my nose, and I could see a very weak golden candle light desperately trying to make its way throughout the thick fog. I heard music, getting louder and louder and I walked towards the light, this is when I saw craved pumpkins; I started to feel safer when something grabbed my shoulder. My eyes widened and I gasped. I turned over, shaking and shrieking like a 12 year old at a One direction concert.
    I was now facing a zombie that looked a lot like my friend, he scared the hell out of me, we laughed a bit and he handed me gelatinous sticky velvet red candy that tasted good actually. bitter- sweet berry goodness!
    I then was able to figure out from where the music and the delicious smells came from, the deserted cabin that hosted out annual Halloween party.

  3. I was on my way with a friend to assist to a little Halloween party. The streets were dark and some orange lights were illuminating the boulevard. The kids were wearing some scary disguise. This night we were walking next to zombies, ghosts and every other imaginary creature without being afraid. It was really awesome. The kids were knocking on their neighbors' doors asking for candies and sweet. They were all repeating the same famous sentence: 'Give some candies or I'm going to change you into a toad'. And the adults were acting as if they were scared and give them what they want. The teenagers were heading to celebrate this night with their friends. It's really a good day. The closer we got to the party, the weaker the light became. We were very excited, and we wanted to arrive to the house quickly. Suddenly, we saw a short-cut ! My friend proposed to go through it. I accepted, but what a mistake. If I knew what I was about to live, I would never choose to walk by this way. As soon as we putted our fist feet on the path, we started to hear some weird sounds. Like if a creature was hiding behind the bushes. We also saw two lights shining. At the beginning we thought that it was a dog or something else. So just continued walking and didn't pay attention. But as we were walking, the thing showed up and started purchasing us. We couldn't see very well because of darkness of the place. All what we knew that it was big and scary. We were running when we finally saw a light and some persons laughing loudly. It was the house party and our friends! It was our welcome present. The thing purchasing us was only a disguise worn by two people. I never had be afraid like that in my whole life!

  4. That was the best adventure in my life. The short-cut lead us to an old house. As soon as we laid our eyes on that terrifying haunted house we knew something wasn’t right. My friend suggested returning our steps, but unfortunately the rocky pathway already disappeared. Fear began to overcome us. The only things around us were trees and that old scary house. We didn’t have a choice; we were obliged to investigate more. We knocked the door, but nothing came out. We were returning back when we heard little noise behind us. Now, an old lady was in front us. I can never forget her face. She was too ugly that we thought she was a monster. Two seconds of silence seemed an eternity that moment. Then she said: “You have to choose between your friend and your mom, which one you will let to live”. That was a tricky question, I knew that there were no answer for her question, and silence is the wisest action. As expected, I have guessed her trick. We were rewarded by a one year of chocolate and candies. How lucky we were!!

  5. After that classic Halloween party on campus, a friend suggested we go outside, to make it more funny and exciting. I was a little reluctant about the idea of adventure but after a while, I said to myself "Whatever, let's experience new things!". We went out. After a walk, we arrived next to that creepy forest. He looked at me, and I could read in his deep brown eyes "Let's go Alia! Let's do it!". I smiled, and he took me by the hand to the woods. And then...a short-cut."Let's go that way," my friend said. It remembered me of scary movies when the heroes always choose the wrong way. He took me in his arms, tried to convince me to trust him and that he was by my side to protect me. My emotions went over my lucid thinking and I followed him.All we could hear was an owl voice and some unheard speaking far away behind. I could feel the cold air fill into my lungs. Step by step, we were swallowed by the deep forest. Suddenly, I heard a strange voice, a flying bird maybe? No! It was a bat! My friend protected me as the bat flew just beneath our heads. The creepy atmosphere and the cold weather made us come closer to each other. I felt safe and in danger at the same time, how could that be even possible? Feeling the touch of trees, smell of nature, voice of animals, all that overwhelmed me with a strange feeling of excitement. . I told him to go back to campus, as it was getting colder when suddently, I heard a strange voice. We both were curious to know what was it. We followed the unheard little voice. It took us to a large place, where all we could see was the starry sky. We decided to lie on the grass, admire the sparkling stars. Then, that voice again. It was just next to us. I could see a shadow getting bigger and bigger behind us. We discovered an old well-dressed lady who said "Do you believe in magic?". We kept looking at her, nothing came out of my mouth. Silence. Then she said "Well, follow me."After a second, we were into a spiral where there was no gravity, no sound, just silence, senses, emotions and feelings . She took us to a neverending abstract world: The world of the soul.

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  7. I love Halloween day, it is a holy special day. The whole family gathers in my grand parents’ house and spends some quality time in this blessing night. That day, all the girls are head braided and wear the same pajamas with high heels and red lipsticks, while boys must have mustache, Arabic red and wooden walking sticks; they must wear the same pajamas with a tight as well. It is so fun! At 8 pm, I left my house and decided to go by feet, because my grandpa’s is not very far from me. I went by my friend Kourtney, who lives next me and wants to accompany me. We went on the woods. It was so halloweenly scary. That night everything was really dark; even the stars, which used to shine and decorate the sky, were absent. Suddenly, Kourt saw a short cut and started calling me “Kim, let’s go this way “. Confused, I marked a moment of silence and started making moon eyes at her. But then, my inner adventure devil whispered “Kimmy, can you take an adventure once in your life. Go, little rabbit! “. Who was talking to me like this? My self-esteem forced me to follow my friend. While I was walking carefully, I was saying some prayers because of my incredible fear. Owls were staring blankly everywhere. A tangle of trees was blocking our way; mud was making our move more difficult and slower. The smell of wood and blossomy flowers was spreading in this jungle. Afraid of the voice of bats, insects and wolves, I make my wooden candy basket fall. I wont be able to make my childhood tricks “ Treat or Trick ?!Niahaha”. Suddenly, I heard some laughs, clinking glasses and smelled grilled meat. Is a zombie or a vampire family who showed up this Halloween? I closed my eyes, hugged her and walked .Guess where am I ? I am in my grandma’s garden .Everyone was looking at me and saying loudly : Happy Halloween kimmie! I was like hmmm seriously you don't know how scared I was.

  8. After having worn our strangest most scaring clothes, my friend and I went out to celebrate Halloween with all our classmates in the farthest part of the town. They proposed to go by feet, at the beginning I didn’t want to. They convince me that it will be more fun; so I accepted. After few minutes walking, one of them suggested to go by the short-cut in order to save more time. All of them said excited ‘let’s do that’. Without complaining I followed their steps. I was thinking about many things, college and assignments were shoving my mind. I put music in my ears so as to forget them. A moment later, I realized that my friends had disappeared. I stopped the music; I was in the middle of the forest and I could only hear the sounds of river few meters from me, the trees shaking and something moving. Oh something is moving close to me! At first, I screamed, I called each one of them by his name but no response. The thing was moving closer and closer, I couldn’t what is it; the moon light wasn’t illuminating too much. I thought finally about my phone. No! I am not going to call anyone of them; they left me down, they will regret it heavily. I switch on the torch of my phone, but there was anything. Suddenly, I heard wolves howling. I ran into the end of the forest. But I found an unexpected thing: a cemetery and there were candles everywhere. I stopped for while to rest a little bit from the sprint that I had. I saw shadows moving and disappearing once and twice. I couldn’t believe my eyes there were some ghosts walking around, they were wearing white things. Also there were some witches wearing black and cooking in a big cauldron. And the most scaring part was the headless zombies who were coming on my way. I was breathing difficultly then I fall unconscious. I was smelling perfume, and a hand was touching my face and trying to wake me up; I opened my eyes and found that it was my friends, they told me that they made all of this. I yelled at their face than I started laughing when I saw the video of me that they mad. It was my best Halloween ever.

  9. After having dinner, my parents decided to go out. I was just coming back from my study session. When I arrived home, no one was there. I entered the key, but the door was already open. I found it weird, but I did not give it so much attention. I closed the door, and step forward into the house calling dad and mom, but no one was responding. I was aware that my brother wouldn't be there, but my mom and dad was supposed to wait for me so that we could go out for dinner together. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling. Scary feelings made me feel as someone was watching every move I make. I was hearing strange sounds from all over the house. when I tried to call my parents, someone cached my arm, and I brutally let the phone broke up on the floor. I was so disappointed that I couldn't even think about how it happened. the house was cold, I tried to get out in order to wait in the car cause it is warmer. Unfortunately, someone has closed the door. I went running to the other door, but no way. It was the same issue. All the doors was condemned, so what I was supposed to do? Wait in the fear until my parents come back or get up and try to find a way to end all this bad troubles. Getting up wasn't so difficult, finding a way to end all this troubles was the most difficult part. I couldn't think by what side I should start with. I went out to my room to find a torch, thanks to god I found it. Now, I could see, and it made my life much more easier. In my way back, I could find an open window that I used to jump from when I was young. I used it, and I jumped out from the house. I found a way out of the house, so run as fast as I could. I went to the neighbors house, and waited until my parents came back. we went back to home and everything was normal, so signs of any infraction on the house windows or doors. No one believed my version of the fact, and especially because it was on a Halloween night. Until now, I couldn't figure out if it was a bad joke or I am really lucky.

  10. It was Thursday night, Halloween, and the entire campus was illuminated. People were dressed up and going to parties, but I was just coming out of a 3-hour test. As I was returning to my room, I met some friends that asked me to come to a party with them. My headache was getting worse so I declined. However, I couldn't help but feel that it was a shame to waste such an evening. The cold air on the surface of my face, the short bursts of laughter I heard, the dim lights on the way, it all made me think it was a beautiful night. Nevertheless, I went back to my room, but I soon came back out. My headache was taken care of. Besides the slight weariness I was feeling_that only added to the beauty of the atmosphere hanging on campus_ I was quite excited for the movie marathon I was going to with some friends. As we came in, the sweet smell of candy envelopped us, and the shivering candle lights set the mood for the good horror movies that were to come. We ate some delicious salty pop-corn while waiting for the movies to start, but it looked like it was going to take a while, so we went out for a walk. We were just talking calmly and enjoying the lovely walk, when we discovered a shortcut that went through the forest. We always used this road, we had never noticed a shortcut before. My friend dared me to take the small path with her, and see where it led. I didn't care much about it, I just wanted to go back to the movie marathon, but I went anyway. I wasn't the least bit scared at first, but as we went on, and the path became smaller and smaller until it was practically impossible to go on, I started to lose my cool. The gap between my friend and I was geting bigger, and it was weird how she could continue so easily when I struggled to move through the tree branches. I finally lost sight of her, I tried to walk faster but it was of no use. I then tried calling out to her, but the only thing I could hear was the whistling of the wind. I was exhausted, scared, and I soon started to panic. I shouted angrily at the top of my lungs: "I don't care anymore for your stupid games, I'm going back." I turned back. Facing me, looking right into my eyes, I could feel its cold breath on my face. A white, but decomposing face. A wide hellish smile. And dark nightmarish eyes, ones that I would have never dared to imagine in my most twisted dreams. It only lasted a split second, but I knew_when I looked into those eyes_ what would follow.

  11. It was a great night!
    Last Thursday, I decided to enjoy my Halloween with my friends. We organized a party in my friend's house; we decorated the house and we dressed up according to the theme. We were few people in the house and it was very scary. One of my friends got a very exciting idea which is to scare some girls in order to enjoy halloween.

  12. My friend and I were walking through the woods one Halloween day when we saw what appeared to be a short-cut. "Let's go that way," my friend said. I wasn't very comfortable with that choice. That shortcut was looking very weird and scary. After debating, I accepted and we went that way. The sound of the wind was strong. We saw an empty house, and because of my friend's sense of adventure, he went directly to it and I had no choice but to follow him. He opened the door and a smell of blood and corpse invaded the place. I was cagey but not Mr. adventure. He followed the smell and entered to a room. 2 minutes later I heard his scream. I knew it was over for him. When I opened the door my turn, I found my chainsaw best friend. So we went to his real house and started watching TV and eating some pizza.

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  14. After we've finished our courses on Thursday, we decided to rent a big appartement in the sides of Ifrane. After we took the appartment we decorated it because we wanted to looks like a real halloween night. we decided to invite our friends. After we 've have passed 3 hours of dancing and having a good time. we heard a strange sound comming from the groundfloor , every one of us felt affraid , so i decided me and a friend to see what is happenning. at the end we found that it was just big cat .

  15. Halloween is one of the most occasion where everyone is afraid. For me, I celebrated Halloween with some friends, I admit that it was great and at the same time I was too afraid. I'm disguised as a vampire, my disguise was successful. I put the red lip black and fake blood. the decoration was made ​​by myself, the pumpkin heads in the walls and fake blood on the ground. it was an awesome party.

  16. It was Halloween night, I and my friend were walking in the woods thinking about new ways to scare people. We were tired of walking when we saw a shortcut, my friend suggested that we take that shortcut, it was dark and freaking scary. I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen, but my friend kept pushing me so we took that shortcut. We walked for a long time with no sign of light, we kept walking even if we felt it was a bad idea. After two hours of walking, we just stopped and started to put the blame on each other, suddenly, we heard what appears to be a wolf howl. The blood freezes in my veins, I couldn't even breathe. I looked at my friend, he was in a shock. We stood there silently trying to figure out what was happening around us. As much as we got scared, as more the sound got closer. We didn’t knew if it was the panic that made us hear the sounds all around us, or if it was really everywhere. We started running as the sounds getting closer and closer. I felt our end was closer than ever when suddenly and out of nowhere, a light flashed in front of us. With no more delay, we ran nonstop until we arrived to the source of light where our big surprise was awaiting. The source of light was a festival. The people there told us that the howl was made by some speakers to create the Halloween theme. We were frustrated but happy, mostly happy for the sanity of our minds and lives!

  17. I remember that day clearly as if it happened yesterday. It was the summer of 2011, and that year Halloween night coincides with the three last days of Ramadan. These days are very popular in the Islamic culture as days where demons are released form between god's sacred hands.people on these days act following that belief so that whenever something unusual happens they think it was because of supernatural forces. I was walking at dusk trying to free my mind from what it had stored from a long day of fasting. I thought this evening would be like any other evening of this sacred month but I was wrong.
    All I could remember were those frightening white figures that embraced my neck. I shook my head as in attempt to get away from them but there was no way they would let me go.
    I woke up at dawn at the sound of the holy Azhan with a huge headache and a blurry memory, I couldn't remember anything else rather than that but it was enough to rise shivers in my spine whenever Halloween is to be mentioned.


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