Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Who are you? Find out with the Carl Jung Typology Test!

This week, I'd like you to take a personality quiz.  Click on this link to take the Carl Jung typology test:

After you have answered the questions, click to score it. Once it tells you your type (the "type" will be in 4 letters, ex: ESTJ), click on the boxes below about Self Awareness and Personal Growth, as well as Career Choices. Read what they have to say.

In a paragraph, write your response to your type?  Do you disagree or agree with the description about you?  What characteristics interested you?  Do you think any of the career choices suggested would be good for you?  Why, or why not?  Respond by commenting on this blog post.

You have until Wednesday, Oct. 30th to respond with a blog post.


  1. As a result for the personnality test, I was identified as an ENFP person, which stands for Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Perceiving. I do agree with the results because I know it does apply with the kind of person I am. I like being around people and I tend to rely more on my feelings than thinking. The career choices they suggested me lots of interesting proposals I had already thought of, they are all leaning towards arts and social work which is actually my domain, I want to become a writer and maybe work in a humanitarian field, considering the fact that I am majoring in Human Ressource development. I think that theses results are pretty accurate.

  2. It seemed to me stupid to answer the test's questions in the beginning, but surprisingly there is something true about their result. I've got an ISTP which stands for Introvert, sensing, thinking and perceiving. After I've read the analysis, I found that some characteristics match with mine. But, that doesn't mean I'm totally agreeing with their result. They have missed some aspects that I see important and in addition, they judged some points wrong. Concerning careers, they predicted the right field but not the right jobs. As a conclusion, the man who wrote the test is an amazing person and have my all respect, because it's difficult to analyze a personality with just simple questions.

  3. After taking this psychological test, I got as a result: Type ENFG(Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging). After getting the result, thinking about it, I agreed with most of it. It is true that I am slightly extraverted: I like to be surrounded by people but sometimes, I also want to be on my own. I also got that I had a moderate preference of feeling over thinking, which is true as well. I tend to give importance to feelings a lot, empathy, friendship, emotional movies and so. I'm working on fixing it because it obstructs my rational decisions. Concerning the career choices, I got some social services (psychology, counseling...) or Management or even Science. I actually thought about being a psychologist once, and I am majoring in Engineering and Management science which is also one of the results of the test. I hope I'll do good in that field thought. Finally, I think that the test gave a pretty good evaluation of my personality, interesting!

  4. According to the Carl Jung typology test, I am an ENFJ person. ENFJ means Extravert, intuitive, feeling and judging. For more precision, they said that I am more extravert than introvert, which is right , because I am a girl who likes to meet new people and be surrounded by real friends . Moreover , it is so reassuring to have supportive people next to you . In addition ,the test result said that my intuition leads me rather than my sensing . This is completely false because I am not idealistic at all . Thus , they noticed that I deal with daily situations with my feeling , whereas I am a person who thinks and decides with her mind instead of her heart .But , another fact is true . I sometimes prejudge people before I get used to know them . What I like about this test is the career choices . I truly like to work with people and help them . For example , Iike the management jobs which allow the person to get in touch with people , same thing for the health care services . At the end , these are just expectations ; the true behavior is shown by our acts and attitudes .

  5. After taking the test, it turns out that i'am an ISTJ ( Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging). I kinda agree with the results, favorite thinking over emotions is not something easy to do, but it's the right choice in most of the time. I also spend time thinking about "simplicity of life". You born naked, you grow up and need to make money to die a certain time later. Happy moments in life are pretty small comparing to the the real pain that you have when you lose someone close to you. But in simplicity of life dwell it's complexity. As a career choice, I got some engineering stuff and military training but none of them seems interesting to me even if I'm majoring in engineering. Apart that, I like tacos. (jk)

  6. I am an ENTJ person based on the Carl Jung Typology Test. ENTJ stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgement. The results matched the characteristics of the person I am which was unexpected. I was surprised to discover that ENTJ is among the rarest types of personalities especially among women. It was stated in the test results that the ENTJ people are energetic, competitive, confident and most importantly self-driven and I believe that these are all characteristics I have been blessed with to varying degrees. The fact that I rely on my rational part more than I rely on my emotional one is also very accurate. It is definitely not an easy process but it is something that leaders must have, and since I plan on becoming a CEO I have been training myself for years now to mostly, if not only, rely on my rational side. When it comes to the career choices, the test results asserted that ENTJ people tend to excel in business and economic oriented areas. I am majoring in Business administration and I never regretted my choice, I feel that it is the right educational as well as professional field for me. I have been generally happy with trying this test, the results were very acurate.

  7. I am an ESFP, it means Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving. I totally agree with these results, because I'm really the kind of personn who likes to be always surrounded ny people and always want to hang out with my friends. They proposed me some jobs at different sectors of work such as marketting; I can't deny that I haven't thought about these propositions bebore.
    This website is very helpful, it may help people to recognize wich kind of people they are!

  8. My type is ENTP: Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving. This means that I have "Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking." They mentioned that ENTPs are mostly visionary people. I was quite surprised to discover a lot of myself in the description given to me after the test. I do tend to enjoy the company of a lot of people, and I do sometimes get lost in my thoughts and forget the outside world. It's true that I usually focus more on the bigger picture rather than small details. And it's also VERY true that I tend to delay decision-making moments until I am sure I have considered ALL the variables. I do take things in primarily via my intuition and then deal with things rationally and logically. And sadly, it is also extremely true that I often don't finish what I start, as I am more interested in the different possibilities than the actual implementation. The jobs they suggested were in engineering, I was actually a Math major in high school, and I quite enjoy Maths and Physics. However, I find that I am more free to "shine" in the area I am in now: Business Administration. "ENTPs are fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring with others.They highly value knowledge, and spend much of their lives seeking a higher understanding." I believe this to be true about myself. Overall, I think that surprisingly, the results of the test were spot on.

  9. After taking the personality test, I found that I am an INTJ which stands for introvert, intuitive, thinking and finally judging. The results are very interesting and some way true. For instance, in the career choices, almost all of them are true, like management and engineering are my major. Social science, that's what I had always dreamed to do when I was a child. Also personality characters are like introvert as many people consider that is my main character. I found this in the self development and self awareness text INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know" I quite like it, it means many different things to me.

  10. After taking the test, I had as a result that I am an ENFJ which stands for Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. the results are half correct and half false because i don't judge people and i don't have feelings for something i think that i think more than feel about something but for the part that says that i am extraverted and intuitive i agree that i am kind of like that.

  11. i found out i'm an IFNP, it means i have distinctive preference of Introversion over Extraversion, i have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing,i have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking and i have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging. i strongly agree with the result of this test. i prefer to get information and just collect over giving info. i also use my brain to judge instead of my feelings but i also try to understand the situations than just putting a judgment over people !

  12. According to this typology test, I am an ENFJ person. ENFJ means Extravert, intuitive, feeling and judging.It's true that i prefer to meet new people and have a lot of friendship, in addition i'm an intuitive person. Even if i don't know the person i can make sone judgement and this is so bad. I'm agree that i make decision according to my feeling and unfortunately sometimes I make bad decisions. I live this Test even if I'm not the one who believe on that.

  13. My type is ENTP, whcih means that I'm Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving. The test result prrove that I am more extravert than intravert, because I prefer to innovate than to act or react like others. Also, I found that I follow more my intuition than my sense. I think that is totally true because I have a strong self confidence. In addition, I perceive that I carry less about feeling, I prefer to take it logically and rationally. The most important aspect showed is that I don't judge people, I accept differences and I only try to understand this dissimilarity. This test was very helpful because it informs us about our deepest personality.


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