Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Imagine that you are given 80,000 dirhams, but you can't keep it. You must give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it? Why?

This is your first October blog.  This one should show your imagination and  generosity. Please respond to the prompt with your 1 or 2 paragraph reply by Sunday, Oct. 7th at 23:59 hours.


  1. You the selfish jerk as they all like to call you, arrogant heartless monster, what have you become? You have to pay for your sins , they gave you a big sum of money and they told you to do something for others , for once. You're not supposed to be yourself no more, get out of your shell and do something nice for someone else.
    You smiled, because it was pathetic, you knew no one deserved to receive something from you, you're above them all aren't you?
    Burn the money , throw it away, drown it in the filthy sink, a nice act is weakness.
    You slept for hours, for days and still, something was keeping you from destroying it. You need to know, that feeling they always describe as the best in the world, you give without expecting any return; And you decided to give.
    But to whom? You went on the streets that night, it was cold but it didn't matter, you were nervous and you hated it , it made you feel weak.
    You felt miserable, and you needed to find someone that looked just as broken as you were on the inside.
    You walked for hours, empty minded, that dark soul of you was shivering.
    And there he was, the one.
    You arrogant selfish monster, you felt like a prophet, so powerful and so wise, you would give, how generous of you.
    You threw the dark leather sack you've put the money in at the filthy drunken mass of flesh you almost tripped over.
    You probably chose him randomly, but you knew he had something, over the strong smell of body odor and cheap wine you could see his aura, he was wiser than he seemed, you didn't care about what he would do with the money, all you knew is that he would make a better benefit out of it than you could have possibly done, he might just drunk himself to death and it didn't matter after all.
    You knew he raised his soaked dull eyes at you and whispered all the gratitude he had towards your generous act, but you simple raised your hand as if you whipped something flocking in the fog and you walked away.

    1. Very good writing, Meryem. Impressive, to say the least. I loved all the imagery and sensory phrasing in your writing. I made me feel like I was in the moment with your character.

  2. “When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is “ Oscar Wilde.
    Nowadays, most of people become materialistic, selfish and greedy. Everyone has one main aim is to earn money and money and money because it is the secret of luxurious and happy life. In contrast, some people think that money doesn’t make our happiness because nothing can be bought with money. For example, health and love are priceless, they can’t be replaced by some green, red, brown, blue or yellow piece of paper; it is more than this. But, would you say NO if I gave you 80000 DH??!! I don’t think so!!
    If somebody gave me this amount, I would give it back to an association in order to help people in need. For example, homeless people or orphans who need this money, maybe to buy clothes , quilt , toilet paper , bread , oil , water , milk …..
    I might use these dirhams in a religious activity such as the participation in the construction of a mosque , because the Mosque is a public and a religious place that everyone can use. Also, homeless people can sleep there in security.
    I can also spend these 80000 DH in developing the structure of a school , such as building bathroom because some children growl school , because it is very far from home . Or, I can build a library and provide books . In addition , this money can be used in buying school buses , so the students can move easily and don’t growl schools . And like this , I will help in the education of children especially in rural areas ; also I will be an active and good citizen who is helping in the development of the educational background of Moroccco .
    It seems to be a little amount but it can help lot of people . Well, MONEY can Miracles !!!

    1. I love that Oscar Wilde quote. I think Oscar Wilde was brilliant. I agree with your opinion, money can make miracles. I think offering help to the homeless is a noble task, because life is difficult for many people and a change in luck can alter anyone's fate. Good writing, Fatine.

  3. Charity!! What is charity?? I’m a realistic man, I don’t believe in getting something you don’t work for it. Some would say I’m heartless, mean, really bad person. Want to talk shit about me? Be my guest. Being good is being weak. All what’s said above is not even close to the real me. I’m a nice person who helps poor people, I’m certainly not that heartless monster.
    If I could have 80.000 DH to give away, I would give it to charity even if it’s not a big amount of money, because it’s more affective and after all charity would help much more persons then giving the money to a single person. Maybe that person would use it the wrong way, maybe the money would go to waste, why helping one person instead of the part of the community that’s unreachable. I love that idea of helping the less fortunate, my religion ask us as Muslims to be kind to all living beings and to help the Muslim and the non-Muslim, isn’t it enough that we are all human being??
    How about the idea of a tuition for someone who’s poor but intellectually rich, someone who can have a full scholarship but unfortunately can’t pay for the cash wallet or the dorm. What a great idea is to help someone build a good life, people like that knows what it means to sleep not knowing what could happen at night, to wake up not knowing if they could make it to the end of the day, so they are more likely to appreciate it and to do help other people once they make it and become successful.

    1. Whoa! You really had be believing you were heartless in the beginning! Good writing. I love the idea of making the money at scholarship fund to help students get education. That's what I would do if I had that kind of money to give away.

  4. The citizenship club. That was the name of the club I was in during my three years of high school. We made a lot of efforts to improve our community. We helped fix parks, we enlarged school libraries, we helped people in need during a flood. The club's actions were various, but there was one that touched me especially. It was when we gathered some clothes for the children in the Baïti association. But we didn't just give them the clothes and went away. We actually organized a party in their honor and spent the entire day with them. They were extremely nice and welcoming. It was so nice that we decided to go back several times, and organized tutoring sessions to help them with their homework and test preparations. I truly believe what the great author HUGO said: "every child we teach is a man we gain." We need to give special attention to abandonned children. That is why I always look at the Baïti association with a great deal of respect. If I had 80 000 Dirhams I would give it to them without a second thought. I have seen the difference that they make, and the incredible work that they do. Their cause is one of the most noble ones, and I do believe they are making a change.

    1. Well-written paragraph, Yousra. That you, also, for telling me about the good works of the Baiti association. It seems like you do practical and involved works that really touch people's lives. I believe giving food and clothing and money is important and necessary, but in many ways, just sharing time and education and giving respect to people that need it is important charity, too!

  5. Charity is one of my favorite humanitarian action. Believe or not, i'll be very happy to give this money to help poor people and especially homeless. For sure, I'll choose Darna association because I worked with them or three year and it was amazing and interesting. I'll be very happy if they can use this money to help them by buying some clothes or foods. All that you can offer them it useful and helpful because they needs Basics thing. For all these reason, I try to be an active member in some association and clubs in AUI such as Hand In Hand association or Rotaract Club.

    1. Thank you for sharing this response Dalal. Also, thanks for telling me about the Darna association. I am always looking for good works associations in Morocco.

  6. If I was given an amount of money that I can’t use; I will surely give it to my grandmother. Since I was a child a child she has always told me about her dream of travelling to Mecca. A few minutes before sleeping, she tells about the most fascinating places in the world, she gets tears in her eyes when she talks about it. I would like to go there with her too. My grandma has taken care of me since I was a baby; she loves me like I was her real daughter. For me, she is the most important member in the family. I had lived with her for many years instead of living with my parents; that’s why I know her more and I do believe in her dreams, and I’ll do everything to make it come true. She deserves it more than anyone. Or, I will give this money to an association that deal with homeless children, or to an association in order to help students in rural areas by buying them bikes and helmets.

    1. Salma, your grandmother seems like an amazing woman. I am sure the money can go to no better purpose than showing tremendous gratitude and giving a wonderful, help donation to a great woman like her. You are very kind and thoughtful, and I'm sure your grandmother knows that. Very good writing in this paragraph.

  7. In fact , if I was given this amount of money I would definitely give it to charity, in other words poor people, orphans, or associations. This amount of money will be dedicated to infuse hope, draw a smile ,and improve the quality of life for children having experienced life-altering situations.The act of helping other people can create a sense of well-being. in order to help others in need can give you a sense of welfare in life or work and inner satisfaction.

    1. Yousra, I agree, helping people in need is a great thing to do. Every little bit helps. Thanks for sharing your response.

  8. Give me 80000DH, then I am going to give it to you back! :p I am a person who feel really beholden to people who treat me well, I really admire any effort that a person makes for me. For that reason, I think that if I receive this amount of money, I will directly give it to my parents. I already bungled 2 years in my academic life, with money spent in France, in AUI... I feel really uncomfortable in front of that situation . I think that if that money is received , or just collected from my job, I will give it to my parents because it's a thing that burn me a lot. I want to be prefect for them, as they were and they still are with me.

    1. Yassine, I think it's great that you admire your parents so much. Parents do tend to give their children all they can, in the hopes that it will make them better people for the future. I hope that you can understand what your parents invested in you and not waste it by not writing your blog posts on-time!

  9. As I am a super genius man I will give the 80 000 Dirhams to someone I really trust. That someone is of course my parents or brothers. It's guaranteed that will repay me back. You may think that I am a selfish man, but your wrong my friend. Money causes just fights and wars. You can check history to persuade yourself. Word wars are just consequences of money seeking. Countries wanted to expand their territories and thus resulted in great slaughter houses. So giving them to the wrong person is not the wisest ideas, even charity association cannot be trusted. Those 80 000 I will reinvest them in something that will return profit to everyone myself included, a big industry as an example. That will help thousands and even millions of poor families over time. And of course I'll be a rich man.

  10. If I was given 80 000, I would think of donating it to an association located in Essaouira. When I was in high school, we visited a small campus for students who lived far from their school. It's a small dormitory, with 4 rooms, only equipped with several beds. With that money, they can buy more furniture, or even build a second floor, which will make it possible to raise the number of places. Some repairs can be done too, as the walls can be repainted and the isolation ameliorated. The kitchen wasn't well equipped, and some decoration would make it a better place. More students can, thanks to that, have the chance to get closer to the place where they can have an academic education. Those changes could make it a more welcoming place for them, as they can't always go back to their homes on the week-ends. I would like to stay in a nice place, where I can feel like if I was at home, and seeing a smile on their faces and making them feel comfortable is priceless.

  11. If I was given 80 000dh, I would honestly place 90% in a bank or in a project. I will resell what I bought later on. Like 20 years later. For the other 10% I would buy fun things, like Ps4, an awesome TV and unhealthy food for the rest of my life. But seriously, and if by some miracle I was given 80 000dh, I will contribute in paying my university fees.


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