Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained? How does this affect your life?

First, please take the quick test to see if you are right-brained or left-brained.

After you take the test and discover your "brained-ness," read this article about Left Brain/Right Brain Theory:

Then, write a brief blog post (1 -2 paragraphs)  telling me if you are agree with your brain test-results.  Also, tell me, based on what you read in the article about Left Brain/Right Brain Theory, how your "brained-ness" affects your life.

Your posting is due by Wednesday 20 November 2013.


  1. Psychology tests are very popular, most of people want to learn about themselves using a schientific approach. After taking a test myself, I was told that I was a right-brained person, at a ratio of 78:22; these results weren't supprising for me because I already knew that I was. The results actually said :"According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:
    Recognizing faces
    Expressing emotions
    Reading emotions
    The fields cited are indeed some that I am very interested in and in which I perform better than logical tasks. Even though I believe that the left vs . right brain theory is more of a myth, I can honestly say that its results are accurate, well, at least when it comes to defining my own brain type.

  2. There are many people that take psychology test to know themselves better. before to take the test, I was curious about knowing this new theory to be able to understand the results. Right-brained and Left-brained is a new scientific approach that based on the different functions of the brain.When I took the test, I was very surprised that I use my brain equally because before that I thought that I'm more logical than subjective. According to the Right-brained and Left-brained and the result that I got ( 56/44) I'm little bit more logical than creative. However, I cannot deny that I don't believe totally in this kind of result.

  3. I have taken the test and I discovered that I was left brained. That matches completely with my interests. The fact of resolving and explaining phenomenon with logic and dealing always with numbers is something I love by instinct. That hasn't stopped here, the test also told me about fields in where I'm not good in, and, and it's true.However, as I read about the left brain right brain theory, It seems that it is just a myth. Research have proven that there exists no such theory. Yet, as we all know, the brain is one of the biggest mysteries that humans try to understand since the age of stone. So I think that more research must be conducted about the topic. The weird thing about it, is that there is some correctness in it. Maybe Roger W. Sperry was genius and no one is realizing it!!

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  5. According to the "brained-ness" test, I am told to be 66% right-brained and 34% left-brained which makes me mostly a right-brained person. By doing some quick research, I found that right-brained tend to be creative, intuitious, dreamers, can memorize images and colorful things better, good at geometry, very spontaneous and unpredictable and would see the big picture first instead of the details while left brained people are much more logical, good with numbers and details, have a reasoning sense and decide to stick to the rules. I personally agree with some of these criteria and disagree with others.
    As I think, and have been told many times, I am a creative person. I always try to make something new out of everything or create a whole new thing depending on my needs. During most of the, boring, classes I daydream about things that will probably never happen instead of listening to the professor. I have always been good with geometry. I solve algebra and analysize problems intuitively most of the time and can only think in a perfectly structured way when coding so I started to take everything that has to be analyzed as an algorithm and it has been making my life easier so far. Most of the time, I can't stick to rules, so whenever there is a forbidden area that I shouldn't be accessing, you'll probably find me inside of it exploring new things and places. Effectively, I am a right-brained person with some left-brain abilities that enable me to do some tasks that require both sides interaction.

  6. After taking the brained-ness test, I found out the results were that I was 72% left-brained. This means that I am more of a logical, analytical, and objective than a intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective kind of person. I think that is somewhat true. I do tend to analyse every situation in my life, and I do try to think about things in the most objective way I can. But I also try to be thoughtful: I don't think that being objective or overly strict about life matters is the best thing to do. I do think some of my strong points are indeed the ones managed by the left side of the brain, points such as: language, logic, critical thinking, numbers, and reasoning. Moreover, some of my weah points are one the right side of the brain like: recognizing faces and expressing emotions. However, things like: reading emotions, intuition, and creativity are what I believe to be some of my biggest strengths. Finally, I think the test results were true to some extent, but I think it was too simple and short to really completely identify my personality.

  7. After taking this psychological test, the surprise was that I am left brained which is unbelievable because I am right handed. But, scientifically when you do everything with your right “hand, foot, arm, and leg”, it means that the left side of your brain controls these movements and vice versa. After reminding me this scientific theory, I accepted the fact of being left brained. What is really interesting and exciting is that people, whose movements are controlled by the left-brain side, have a logical thinking and reasoning. Moreover, the left brained people are good at languages, numbers, and critical thinking. On the opposite, some researchers have shown that this psychological test is a myth because some brain functions occur in different areas. To be true, I found that test results are good and true. Well, I had a fun moment doing this test.

  8. After taking this test, I got as a result that I use my brain equally, which means that I am not right brained nor left brained but the just middle. It appears to me that it's well-balanced, which is good. At the same time, based on the article, a study has shown that while doing any activity, both sides of the brain are essentially equally used. I understood from this that a connexion between the two sides of the brain is crucial to its well-performance. In my daily life, it's true that I am the kind of moody person, stuck between rationality and intuition, rules and chaos, logic and fantasy. I can say that I am open-minded and that I don't stuck to one behaviour. I'm in an eternal change, which occurs everyday. But at the same time, the article states that this theory is just a myth.
    My result is a kind of paradoxe, maybe I'm schizophrenic. Who knows?

  9. After I've taken the test , they told me that i use my left brain at 54% and my right brain 46% of the time. It seems that i use my brain aproximately equally.I didn't know that my use of my brain was so balanced, so i was surprised of the result. According to the article, when i'm doing something, i used both sides of my brain. So it seems that i'am doing things in a right way. After a big reflection about my personnality, i conclude that the conclusion from the article is kind of true. i can say that i totally agree with the result of this test because i'm an open-minded and a little bite crazy person.

  10. After taking the test, It resulted that I use my brain "equally". It means that I'am a person who knows when to use feeling and when to use my brain. I've never though that I was this kind of person. This test showed me that i'm an awesome person. In my everyday life, when I'm struggling when taking a hard choice, I just pick it randomly and let the destiny do the rest. I red on an article that the person who uses his brain equally knows when to use feelings and when to use rationality. This kinda make me a balanced person. Being able to use emotions and feelings in life instead of always be rational is something a person needs to be capable of doing.

  11. After I took the brain test, I discovered that I was pretty balanced when it comes to my brain personality, I am both a logical and a creative person. According to the test result, I tend to use both sides of my brain when I need to solve a problem or analyze a situation.I think it is a good thing because it means that I am pretty flexible, but this doesn't mean I totally agree with the test results, I think it should be deeper and with more questions in order to really identify my personality.

  12. After taking the test, I realized that I use my brain equally. Precisely, I use 59% of my left brain and 41% of my right brain. The left side that I'm a logic person, analytical and rational in my decisions. I also use strategies and plans in my life, I care about the details and don't let anything due to the luck or hazard. Well, everything is correct but one thing, it's the fact of planning my life. I'm not that kind of person, I just live for each day without thinking about the next one. In the other hand, the right side says that I'm creative, curious and I have some intuition. I can't deny these things. I'm really creative sometimes, I usually don't get bored easily because I always find something interesting to do. I'm also curious but I know my limits, I don't bother other people to absolutely know something.
    This test is very helpful to determinate our personality and know ourselves better, and the article is awesome. It explains to us many things about the mechanism of our brain and how every piece of our personalities is affected to somewhere in our heads.

  13. According to the test of recognizing whether the person is left brained or right brained, I realized that I am neither right brained or left brained. I just use my brain equally which means I use both logic, Numbers, Reasoning and intuition, creativity. I found the results of the test are very useful, it reveals my real personality and my ways of thinking. For instance I usually use both my intuition and my logic to answer in all fields of life.

  14. I found out I’m left-brained, I find it close enough to my personality. As I read left-brained person’s life is determined by rules, details, logic and rationality. The strange thing about that test is that if you think about each question, you are more likely to get a wrong answer because by thinking about each choice, we try to pick the one that people wouldn’t look at us as weirdoes. Back to my results, in life I try to make each decision the right one, each step count for me. Sometimes I find myself struggling to make a decision, even when I’m picking clothes. I think being left-brained could be a positive thing in my professional life, unfortunately it think that I may never be an artist because art depend on spontaneous, it’s a privilege that I just don’t have.

  15. According to the test, I found that I'm more right brained than left brained. I don't really believe on that test but the result satisfies me. I know that I am very creative and like to reflect on abstract and existential subjects. My mind has no limits and I never accept to live under rules. I am very peaceful and I relate any bad behavior from somebody to a personal experience. I always believe that originality and creativity are what makes people awesome, because following a mathematical rule or a scientific concept proveS partially a limit of a mind. That belief on the rules put by someone without any hesitation is a kind of stupidity. But I think that I should work on my left brain also to achieve that dreams created by my right one. ;)


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