Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What will you be doing over the Eid-al-Adha holidays? Where will you go? Who will you see? What will you eat? Will you enjoy your time? Tell me how you celebrate this holiday.

Please respond to this blog post by Friday, Oct. 18th at 12:00 noon.  You may rewrite 1 or 2 paragraphs on how you intend on celebrating the upcoming Eid-al-Adha holiday.  I hope you enjoy your holiday, and I hope you find some time to relax during the break.


  1. Eid-el-Adha is a cool holiday, you can walk around the streets with blood-stained clothes and huge sabers without being questioned. Actually, the main point of the holiday is to slaughter a sheep, to skin it and to eat lamb for the following weeks until you get sick of it. Here is how I picture this holiday, I will wake up in the morning, check from my window if they killed the animal yet, if not I will go back to sleep until a butcher comes over, then I will rush downstairs to grab all the pastries and baked goods I will find on the breakfast table, I will maybe go to see the slaughter and beg the male members to let me do it, but they will never allow me to,but it is always fun to watch a sheep jiggle all around, I remember one time the butcher failed to cut the nerves when slaughtering the sheep and it got up and rushed to the door, we had troubles catching it afterwards, but what a laugh! Anyways, I will certainly have to clean all the blood, it's a huge mess, but each one of my family members have a certain task to complete. Speaking of my family I will certainly see my sisters and nephews and cousins whom I haven't seen in a while now, maybe go out with them after we had loads of grilled meat.
    Eid-el-Adha is family time, we visit each other and have debates over the quality of the meat, but traditions are to be maintained and special occasions to be celebrated.

    1. Your first line is classic! I hope you had a great time with your family, seeing your sisters and nephews and cousins. Thanks for sharing.

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  3. Here comes the Eid al-Adha and for three days. Muslims are preparing to celebrate with family and friends, this important holiday of the Islamic calendar, which calls to remember the story of the Prophet Abraham and his eventual love for is within its means - a new opportunity given for Muslims to reconnect with their spirituality and meaning of a festival synonymous sharing, generosity and brotherhood that should invite anyone to remain single.
    After prayers at the mosque, which takes place at sunrise, every family goes home and waits for the head of the family to sacrifice the sheep. When he comes back, head and offal of animals are cooked and eaten as a family. The second day, the animal is divided into two parts: the first is to the family, the second made ​​of the finest pieces-is distributed to the most needy. All dress in their finest clothes and then go visit their relatives.
    This festival is a time of joy, sharing and solidarity: it is at this time that donations are more toward the poor. Finally, Happy Eid al-Adha to you all.

  4. Family is an incredible wealth. It is like a tree trunk that always stays strong, solid and unbreakable whatever happens. Family is like a kingdom of ants, which work hard, fail and succeed together because they have the same dreams, the same goals: to succeed in life and attend their aims without breaking the family ties and principles.
    In this holy day, Aid El Adha is a religious feast that assembles the whole family in a festive atmosphere.
    The Eid is a sacrifice feast in which we have to slaughter a sheep as a present to God. Also, we have to give the meat to poor and needy people, to our relatives and neighbors.
    In this Eid , Muslims are used to grill the liver , the heart and the lungs . Well, it is the day of meat. The streets are perfumed with the smell of grilled heads. You can go across about ten men with dirty bloody aprons. These are the butchers who will slaughter you divine gift. In addition, the day before the feast, the neighborhood sleeps under the melody of the sheeps bleating. Usually, children are the happiest people in this feast because they will wear new clothes and will earn some money.
    So, Eid Al Adha is a moment of joy , a way to spend some quality time with the family and a religious practice .

    1. Excellent description, Fatine. I loved the imagery about "a kingdom of ants" you used here. I hope your holiday was wonderful!

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  6. Aid El Adha is a religious holiday where Muslims all over the world celebrate Prophet Abraham’s submission to God’s command and the divine intervention in this matter. Sheep are slaughtered according to a ritual, the meat is divided, and some or all of it is given to the poor. Religion is a big aspect of the Aid El Adha day, but it is not the only aspect. Families celebrate this day by following different traditions according to the area they originate from. In my household, we get up in the morning and have a nice breakfast with cakes and sweets. My brother then goes to help the butcher prepare the sheep for my father to sacrifice. The sheep is skinned, hanged, cut open, and the butcher arranges what will be grilled for my mother to season. The liver, the heart, and the lungs are grilled right after the sacrifice. In my family, the tradition is we steam one of the sheep’s shoulders during the evening, and take it to the most respected member of the family’s house: My uncle, and my father’s older brother. In that huge house in Casablanca’s suburbs, couscous is prepared by a caterer using the shoulders brought by the people attending the family gathering. The following day, a particular part of the sheep’s meat is cut into small pieces, seasoned with special spices, coriander, and onions. They are then left to tenderize for the day. Meanwhile, some other dishes are made to enjoy during the day. In the evening, the small pieces of meat are used to make kebabs. Kebabs are actually the only thing I eat out of all the dishes made during this period, they are delicious and they melt in your mouth in an exquisite way.

    1. Yousra, I'm a vegetarian, but you described those kebabs so well, my mouth began to water! Also, I'm glad you told me about your families personal traditions of giving the shoulder meat and going to your Uncle's home to celebrate. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  7. Eid El Adha is one of my best religious celebrations. Unfortunately, not everybody understand the purpose of it. They think that all what we have to do is to sacrifice the sheep and eat it. It's a big mistake made by several muslims! It's not just about the sheep. We have to meet the other members of family and follow the steps of this ritual. We start our day by going to the mosque to pray,then have our breakfast. We eat all kinds of traditional cakes. After that, we go to look after a butcher. We let our grandfather sacrifice all the sheeps,because it's a good thing at the eyes of Islam.Then while the butcher finish his work, we start cooking the first dish of the day, grilling the liver. As a dinner, my grandmother prepare a couscous. And I can promise you that eating her couscous is the best thing in the hole day!

    1. Yassir, I want some of your grandmother's couscous! I'm glad you wrote about some of the more personal experiences within your family during the Eid celebrations. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Usually, the aid is one of the best holidays in the year. It is about getting in touch with the closest persons to our hearts; it is about forgiveness and good manners. It is also about an important thing, meat. In the aid day, the week after, it is all about meat, meat in breakfast, meat in lunch and meat in dinner, we become carnivores. In the aid, it is also help uniting the family.

    1. Omar, I liked your paragraph - short, but sweet. I also liked your description about everyone becoming carnivores for a week - meat, meat, and more meat! Hope you enjoyed your holiday.

  9. Aid El Adha is not only a religious ritual, or the sacrifice of a sheep, it's an occasion to strenghten family links, a moment of share, joy and food too! It's time for the family to be gathered. In my family, we meet all together in my grandparent's house; which means a lot of sheeps are in there, what a smell! We all have breakfast together(uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents, cousins;every one is there!) And what a delicious breakfast: cakes, cookies, msemen, beghrir(moroccan pancakes), tea, coffee, just please yourself! Sweet, salty, spicy, you can't be unsatisfied! After this, while we are over the table, many subjects of discussion come out, and everyone takes part in the conversation. It's a way to express ourselves, to get to know each others way of thinking and share many opinions. Right after, comes the time for the sacrifice. My little brother always cries in this part, because he considers the sheep as pet: giving it a name, playing with it and cuddling it. I usually take him upstairs, distract him with Monopoly or a video game. Lunch time is a always a rough time for my cousins and me, as we don't eat sheep's meat, it's just not tasty. And the fact of seeing the animal alive just the day before, and then in my plate, in skwers and tagines, makes me more reluctant. I often cook some rice, spaghettis, vegetables, sandwiches or so. But I always take my plate with me, and sit around the table with my family anyways.
    Even though I don't really appreciate the food in this occasion, I always enjoy my time with all the family around. It makes me feel happy and relieved that our family links are still solid, and that we get to see each other and spend time together.
    Nothing can replace your family, so take care of it, and don't spoil this amazing little society because they are a part of you, as you are a part of them.

    1. Alia, all the food you described sounded wonderful. I also like the family traditions you talked about where you talk about a variety of subjects and everyone shares their opinions and ways of thinking. I also agree with you - it's difficult to see the animal one day and eat it the next. I am glad you enjoyed your time with your family.

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  11. Eid El adha is a nice holiday since we have a week for it. I don't eat that much meal and I like animals. That's why I don't like seeing a poor sheep getting murdered. What makes it a special holiday for most of the Moroccan families is that everyone is gathered to enjoy a nice moment with the whole family. For my part, I travel to a the village when my grandma live. It's the perfect place to have some rest, relax and enjoy a peaceful environment, but it's also very boring. No internet, no video games, to have some fun, I need play with a little cat there, who also seems to be very bored. In general, it's a good holiday when all the members of the family shares some good moments.

    1. Your grandmother's villages seems like it would be a good place to relax. It's nice to be a in a comfortable and quiet place and spend quality time with friends. I am also glad you got to play with a cat! Scientific research says that playing with animals lowers your blood pressure, which makes you healthier!

  12. Eid-Al Adha is not only about the sheep, the good food or the amazing dishes but it a great occasion; first to remember the spirituality of it, to give more time to our families and relatives. We invite all the members of the family around a big fat plate of Couscous in the evening of the Eid. Of course after having killed the sheep. It’s my favorite part; my sisters and I, always help my dad to do it. Then my older sister and my father remove the coating of the sheep, it’s amazing to do too; I tried it once. Several steps should be followed, and most of them are mothers’ stuff. What I really like about the Eid is when all the family is at home, and the most important for me is seeing that amazing smile on my grandma’s face; seeing her young grandchild happy, running, screaming and playing everywhere.

    1. I am really glad you appreciate traditions so much. I love my own cultural holidays and traditions. I'm glad you got to spend time with your family.

  13. Eid-Al Adha is one of my favorite occasion because we usually travel abroad. Normally, this occasion are known by these delicious dishes, the purchase of sheep, and the gathering of family. But for us it is not like that, knowing that my father has cholesterol and my mother does not like to eat mutton, every year we buy a sheep and we offer a poor family and help them to find joy. For several Moroccan family, the purchase of sheep is a source of joy. For me, I can travel in this holiday. For example, I went to madrid in this Eid-Al-Adha and it was just amazing.

  14. Eid-Al Adha is one of my favorite occasion because we usually travel abroad. Normally, this occasion are known by these delicious dishes, the purchase of sheep, and the gathering of family. But for us it is not like that, knowing that my father has cholesterol and my mother does not like to eat mutton, every year we buy a sheep and we offer a poor family and help them to find joy. For several Moroccan family, the purchase of sheep is a source of joy. For me, I can travel in this holiday. For example, I went to madrid in this Eid-Al-Adha and it was just amazing.

  15. Eid-Al Adha is one of my favorite occasion because we usually travel abroad. Normally, this occasion are known by these delicious dishes, the purchase of sheep, and the gathering of family. But for us it is not like that, knowing that my father has cholesterol and my mother does not like to eat mutton, every year we buy a sheep and we offer a poor family and help them to find joy. For several Moroccan family, the purchase of sheep is a source of joy. For me, I can travel in this holiday. For example, I went to madrid in this Eid-Al-Adha and it was just amazing.

  16. Who doesn't love Eid-Al Adha ? Personally I don't know such a person who hates it. Eid-Al Adha is is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims all over the world. The purpose of this event is not just eat meat as most of people think of it. Its intent and object is to help the economy of the country and helping the poor families. Its also has another wish: reunite families and siblings. This year, and as the custom says, I will spend this sacred holiday with my family in my small town. My cousins, uncles and ants will come too, to visit my grand parents. Our family repeatedly join us at our ancestor's big house. We always have good time together, without speaking of my grandma's cooking. For sure, it is one of my favorite holidays.


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