Thursday, September 26, 2013

If you could travel into the future, what would you do?

There's a very good chance that I will make this a "creative writing only" blog.  I have been very, very impressed by all your responses, and I love to see how you use the language creatively.  This will be your last blog posting in SEPTEMBER 2013 (!!!!!!!),  so make it memorable!   You will have until Sunday, September 29 at 11:59 PM to respond (in 1-2 paragraphs) to this week's blog prompt.


  1. If I could travel into the future, so that goes without seeing that I could travel into the past. Yeah I know... I'm a kind of genius. The past is the one that interest me, because I will certainly be the king of the word by this time. I will regain many eras, collect its treasures, and hide them well so I could dig them today. I'm not selfish. I have good reasons to do it after all. I'll use that many to contribute it in my country and be the first one in the world. I'll also save with my wealth millions of lives. Giving food to South Africa, build lot of hospitals encourage searching in all known field etc... Furthermore, returning to the past will allow me to stop many futile wars and conflicts.
    One thing I'm afraid of, if there is such a technology of time leaping that means that science has reached a level where the impossible is just a piece of cake. And this is will denature our life. Think of resurrecting people just as an example. You see, it's really scary my friend. So keep your &@”# in the present and live happily with what you have.

  2. Ooo-oooo-ooo hoo hooo .. Yes, that was my lame attempt to sing the x-files soundtrack, remember that show ? It was all about sci-fi and visitors from other planets. You probably wonder why I am talking about this, uhm, actually I had this really strange lucid dream where I traveled into the future.
    And here's the story:
    I was walking downtown like a boss, with shades and loud music in my earphones, when I trapped over a rock and suddenly there was a blur...
    And when I woke up , I looked to the sky and saw flying cars, I tought I was hallucinating, you know the shock and my head was aching..
    I stayed laying miserably on the floor for what seemed like an eternity when I guy wearing a sloth onesie grabbed my feet and dragged me to what seemed like a old deserted chinese restaurant.
    He sat me on a table and opened what looked like a moldy fridge, a thick greenish nasty smelly cloud came out of the fridge and coated the whole room , when I breathed the filthy air I felt myself passing out again ..
    This time when I woke up, I was able to see what was going out on the streets, and what I saw was pretty amazing, there were flying cars like I said previously, glass buildings, cyborgs everywhere, people wearing weird animal onesies.. I guess it's due to the fact that all species were exctinct except for humans, yes it happened.
    Anyway, the view was pretty cool, but something was wrong, I was bathing in some kind of fluorscent blue jelly, naked.
    I looked around and I saw gigantic lobsters wearing labcoats , they were studying me , I knew I was amazing but hey, it's not like I came from another dimension , or did I ?
    I knocked on the huge test tube I was in and one of weird hybrid scientists opened it. I came out and told them I wanted to come back home or else I would boil them and eat their claws, I haven't eaten in ages, you hear me ?
    Blur again, and here I was on my basement couch, my head ached like hell , the music was loud, god I'm not having the magic funghi ever again ...

  3. If I could travel into the future, I would like to discover all the new stuff that had been discovered so far! I'm really curious about how this would look like. Flying cars like in cartoons, or electric or solar cars everywhere? No pollution maybe? Breathing fresh air every single day would be super and healthy too. I would totally go to the hospital to see how much it has changed. Maybe some medical discoveries, people healing form diseases like cancer, AIDS ... I'm so excited to see people not only survive but heal easily from such diseases. Medical tools may be interesting too, new techniques, easy operations. Will a doctor be this important or a simple machine can do all his/her work? I'm also excited about robots. Will this affect our social life? Will human connection reduce even more than today? That's kind of sad.
    Let's be a little bit more optimistic! What if teleportation exists? I would definitely travel around the world, visit my family and friends abroad, go to Tokyo, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, North Pole (5 minutes there is enough for me, as I'm already struggling with Ifrane's cold weather).
    What about technological progress in general? I believe that everything will be much easier, even for the housework (cleaning the house with one click would be awesome!) --> WELCOME LAZYNESS!
    However, the future seems so far to achieve, so I believe that what is important now is the present, and as we all studied in our SSK class : "Today is the tomorrow you created yesterday." Thus, you
    need to focus on the present, live it without overthinking about the past nor the future or you'll always be stuck to a time which is not yours!

  4. Time-traveling into the future: most people would find the idea exciting, but I am not one of those people. I find the thought of knowing what the future would look like rather scary, if I speak frankly. Who knows? I may end up in some far future in which the Human race is at war with Aliens. What if the earth is hit by an extremely big meteor, changing its orbit, and resulting in our planet becoming an inhabitable desert? Or I could maybe just end up witnessing what scientists all over the world warn us about: a war for water and natural resources. All of these are possible but very dark scenarios, so I will try to think of a better future. In this future, the medical ways have become so advanced that women no longer have to suffer agonizing pain when giving birth to a baby. Education is made available to everyone, poverty has been eradicated for years, and people are more open-minded and less prone to judging. I can imagine hoverboards (like the one Marty McFly had in “Back to The Future”) being sold everywhere. Robots are already a big part of everyone’s lives, and a huge help to people with special needs. The moon is now a tourist destination for everyone, and an enormous amusement park has been built there. Overall, I would prefer to stay optimistic and continue to think that our future will look more like the one I described last.

  5. Travelling in the future would be an interesting experience but not funny as parachuting , jet skiing or scuba diving because I would see some bad and good things in my future life such as wars , death and loss of dear people . Life is not pink ; it is not only about happy moments . Sincerely, I am a very ambitious girl who is sometimes idealistic because I want everything as I imagine it. But I got a feeling that my future is going to be fruitful and productive: I will be an engineer or a businesswoman who runs her own successful company just like Kim Kardashian (my idol). I will launch makeup and clothing lines because I love everything in connection with Fashion. I will also be a well-known perfumista, fashionista and makeup artist in Morocco or in the Arab World. In 2023,when I’m going to be twenty-eight years old so it is likely that I will be married to the love of my life. Moreover, I will be a mommy of a girl named “Zeyna “or a boy named “Ameer “. If in these ten years I will be wealthy, I will buy a Maserati and one luxurious penthouse in Beverly Hills and the other Manhattan. Other than these materialistic accomplishments , I will take care of children and I will construct a shelter for orphans and homeless people because Life is not only about money and wealth, we should never forget the humanistic side. To participate in the development of my country, I will try to teach illiterate people and improve their intellectual background. I will travel to my dream destinations: Seoul , Bora Bora , Hawaii , Kingston , Vienna , Tokyo , Canberra …. with my soul mate . I try so hard to become a member of Unicef and struggle for children rights and be assigned as an Ambassador . Well , these are just hopes that i wish to accomplish . To reach these aims and win this battle motivation , patience and ambition must be my weapons .

  6. Travelling into the future!!! Wow, that would be fantastic, but I’m not talking here about doing it, I’m talking about the concept of time traveling. Wouldn’t be great if you could just see what your life will turn into in; let’s say five or ten or even thirty years, or even further. How about what the end of your life as called “death” would look like. How about meeting an older you, sitting with it and knowing what would be your mistakes to be able to correct them at the right time, it would be marvelous would it? Committing a crime and getting away with it, you hide the evidence, go into the future, see if the police find something, go back hide it somewhere else so it wouldn’t be found, simple as that. Let’s say someone close to you has the cancer, and the doctors says it’s hopeless, in less than a day you could go into the future, get the cure and save your beloved friend or whatever. Creating your own luck, that’s what I call being clever. Playing a poker game and knowing what the next card would be, that’s genius. People would try to buy your knowledge, they would come from all over the world seeking your power, believing that you are a chosen one or something like that. You will just have to play the cards right and the world will be in the palm of your hand. Kings, lords, the world’s richest man’s would give all they have only to know what how long would they live or how they would die. So many possibilities, that a book of a thousand page wouldn’t be enough to describe it all.

  7. If I could travel to the future, I won't, unless I have the chance to comeback to the present later. Why should I travel to the future while everything I appreciate is in the present? The future will surely be different than then world we all know. It will probably looks like a dramatic post apocalyptic TV show with zombies everywhere. It could also be totally different with a world when the cannabis is legal. Or ... Both, the zombies would be more peaceful and friendly and they could cohabit with humans.The are plenty of other scripts, maybe a third wold war. That's why I won't travel to the future, things are only getting worse. Just live in the present and hope to die before one of those scripts occur (except the legalization of cannabis.).

  8. If I have a chance to travel to the future, i'll be happy unless i have a chance to comeback to the reality, because I enjoy my life now. It's so difficult to me to imagine how will be the world in 30 years, but one thing is certain, the world will be developed in term of technology. In addition, i wanna know if a human relationships will always respect or money make the world without any sense. I want to know if the world will be more beautiful more ecological, or the fuels and company productions completely destroy the world. In general, I wanna see how will be the world in the future.

  9. When I was kid, I liked, as every other kid, cartoons. But especially those who has the future as main topic. I was very captivated, I could stay in front of a Tv for hours. And after, I start thinking about all the things I would do if I had the opportunity to travel into the future. The amazing thing is that since this period, I still have the same vision of things! I still obsessed by the future. I'd like to see what the world will be like, what are the changes that has known the world. I would also see what are the newest inventions and why not take some of them to the present.

  10. If I could some day, travel into the future, I will surely have a look on my future life, see if I am having the one that I always dreamed about, if not, back to the past, I will work hard and fight to get it. Secondly, I will see if there any missing part of my family. If he will have died, back to my normal life; I will spend more time with him, I will do everything to make him happy for the rest of his life, I will also know the date of his death so as to be prepared mentally. Thirdly, I will get an idea about my relatives' lives, if they turn bad, back to my normal life; I will tell them about it, I will do my best to advise them and show them the right way, in contrast; if they do well, I will encourage them. Finally, I will see if the new goverments will took more time to find solutions to the current issues, I will protest and do the impossible to make them move,such as in Syria, Egypt, Somalia...

  11. Knowing the future is another way to say succeeding on our life. I think that if I could travel on future, I am not going to dream about science fiction life or a vacation in Jupiter. If I can do that, I am just going to check my situation in future, the social one, the professional one and the psychological one. If I am able to project the result of what I am doing now, I will rectify my acts. I believe in what we call the butterfly effect, which means that every motion done will change all what is around is, it relies on the cause and effects theory. When I'll see my future, I will just go back to my present and do what should be done, change what must be changed or just remove what is preferable to remove. For example, if I know that a person will hurt me on the future, I will take my precaution and don't be a lot in touch with that person.

  12. Ah! Your post is reliant on the ability to go to the future and be able to come back to the present time and make changes! Tricky, Yassine, tricky. Thoughtful blog post, if not very late.


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