Thursday, September 19, 2013

If you could have lunch with any famous person (dead or alive), who would it be? Where would you eat? What would you order? What would you talk about with this person?

I really enjoyed the creativity of your writing last week, and I'd like to see some more! Look at the prompt above, and write a response in 1or 2 paragraphs.  Publish as a comment to this blog post. You have until Sunday, September 22 , 2013 at 12:00 noon to post your response.


  1. If I could have lunch with anybody famous it would certainly be “Marshall Mather”, aka “EMINEM”. I would invite him to my house and even do my best to cook the best thing I could possibly ever cook in my life! I probably would cook chicken or ham, the most important is that the dinner would be flawless. The reason I have chosen EMINEM is that he; in my opinion is the best rapper in history. His music is so good and the words he uses are complicate and also, no other rapper alive would ever have the courage to diss him. Eminem has achieved until now what no other singer or rapper would ever achieve in a life time. There is one question that I will not hesitate to ask him as soon as we sit, “how could you keep following your dream until you made it come true?? What kind of powerful will do you have and how could you keep dreaming and pursuing that dream till the end?” I would tell him that he is my role model and he will always be.

    1. Well, you know from the lyrics to the song, "Lose Yourself, " that EMINEM likes his "mom's spaghetti" so you could always serve spaghetti for a meal. I like the beats to his songs; he is very good at creating awesome rhythms. I'm glad you'd invite him to your house; I think it would be a very comfortable setting for him, when meeting with a fan. Cool choice, Omar.

  2. Because of time faults we aren't able to encounter many interesting people, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein among others (yeah!! The list is long)… But if I ever have the chance to meet someone or have lunch with, that will be definitely our prophet Muhammed, the most complete person that earth have known so far. If possible I’ll eat lunch with him in his home, a dream --that is unfortunately impossible – for all Muslims. In his sides, I’m confident that I will learn many valuable things that will help me in my daily life. Because we all know that he has been just not a prophet but also an excellent politician and military leader, too. I could name him multi man. There’s not just one question that I will ask, but hundreds even thousands -- Of course we don't have an every day chance to have lunch with a prophet --. The most prominent one that come to my mind is: “how he have done, in a record time, to create an empire just by himself in those harsh times?” I’ll also ask him more about our religion and beg him to explain it to me in more details.

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    3. Wow, what an inspiring choice for dinner. I sure you would have many questions you'd want to discuss at dinner. I do like the ones you've posed so far. I would also want to know what his home was like, what kind of food he'd like to eat. Good paragraph!

  3. If I ever had the chance to meet and have lunch with any famous person.
    Well, it will definitely be these following geniuses : Albert Einstein, Salvator Dali, John Lennon, and Paolo Coehlo.
    To please these gentlemen, I would take them somewhere special, we would go on top of Ireland's rocky cliffs and we would cook all together some kind of interesting meal tinted by each one of their cultural influences.
    Our conversation would be unusual and incredibly interesting of course, imagine these four gathered , we could build a whole new world!
    You probably wonder why I chose these four persons, since they come from different backgrounds, different times and different countries, one is a philosopher another is an artist, the third one is a physician, and the last one is a visionary, but the reason is that I admire all of them equally , they have all inspired me and somehow they all contributed in building my personality, and having them around me would be a dream, and wasn't that what we were supposed to talk about?

    1. I said chose one person! Ah, it's OK; I will let this one slide this time. I am very inspired by many of Einstein's quotes, so I hope he makes a good dinner conversationalist. I also like your creative idea to take them to dinner on the bluffs of Ireland; a very scenic choice. I want to be invited to this dinner!

  4. If I could have lunch with a famous person, I would surely meet the famous kick boxer Badr Hari. The athlete who doesn’t believe in the word “impossible“ called the Golden Boy. Badr is Moroccan athlete born in Amsterdam. First of all, we will probably eat a very delicious Cousous in a popular restaurant in Casablanca. I will also order for an amazing other Moroccan plates. While eating, we will talk about sports, especially about kick boxing, about his talent, his competitions and his future plans . Finally , I will ask him to teach me a little bit , and I will invite him to play tennis with me ; I am sure that I’ll beat him with a huge score . It will be a nice lesson for him , he can’t always be the winner !

    1. Salma, your choice of famous person was very original. I googled Badr Hari, and he is a very accomplished athlete. Good choice! I am sure he'd like your dinner in Casablanca.

  5. If I could have lunch with a famous person, it would be Ludovico Einaudi, this talented pianist. He's such an inspiration for me. I tought especially about him as I was listening to his solo "Nuvole Bianche", which is a masterpiece. We would eat at home, my mother would make a delicious moroccan meal for us (Pastilla or Couscous). It would be an opportunity for him to discover Moroccan culture and cuisine. We would talk about music, his amazing inspiration, his motivations and mines too. We will share ideas concerning different topics and I will get to know him even more personally. I'll also ask him to introduce me to his son, maybe I have a chance to become a part of the family !

    1. Before you wrote this, I didn't know anything about Ludovico Einaudi. Thank you for introducing me to his music. I am happy that you would invite him to your house to eat your mother's cooking. You have good taste!

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  7. If I could have dinner with any famous person, I would choose M. Jon Stewart. He’s an American satirist and host of the Daily Show on Comedy Central. The reason I chose M. Stewart is simple: I like to have a good time while eating. I like to laugh and have interesting conversations, and I can’t think of anyone more perfect for the job than Jon. He’s very funny and smart. His witty style is the best kind of humor in my opinion. Jon is very interested in discovering new cultures so we would probably have a traditional dish. I think Rafissa or Seffa would be great choices since they are my favorite. We would talk for hours and food would almost certainly get cold, but I’m sure I wouldn’t notice that time was flying. If I could choose to talk about something; I’d get him to talk to me about his upcoming movie, and urge him to give me some exclusive information on the film. I have a lot of respect for M. Jon Stewart and I think a dinner with him would definitely be very exciting.

    1. A girl after my own heart! I think Jon Stewart is a great comedian and media personality. I also like the celebrities he chooses to have on his show. What is seffa? I want to try that! Very interesting choice, Yousra.

    2. Seffa is a traditional Moroccan dish. It's made using "cheveux d'ange," it has small delicious pieces of chicken inside a "cheveux d'ange" pyramid, and it's topped with very fine sugar and cinnamon powder. It's an extremely nice balance of sweet and salty. I truly recommend it.

  8. Kim Kardashian?! The sexy brunette?! The fashionista, perfumista, businesswoman, fashion designer, model and reality TV personality. Who would say no? I am not a boy but I would like to see her close, discover her personality, and try to find any imperfection in her face. To spoil my guest, I would invite her to the best Moroccan restaurant in Casablanca because she is used to eat in Versace plates .It is also a way to introduce Kim to the delights of the Moroccan Cuisine like : Couscous, R’fissa , Tagines and Pastilla .Or since she is Armenian, I will try to cook an Armenian dish such as byorek ( like Moroccan pastilla).While we are having lunch we would speak about everything and nothing . I would ask her if the paparazzi don’t bother us because they take her life privacy from her. In addition, I would beg her to give me some makeup tricks and tips, to give me a sneak peek of her upcoming projects ,tell me how she deals with medias and some secrets about fashion and how can I get a body like hers . Well, I think we will have a good time because we do have the same interests. She’s my idol ☺

    1. Kim Kardashian may be the best person in the world to talk to about paparazzi and media. If you're interested in that, she's a great choice. I would have her try fish pastilla; it's my favorite. If you ever do meet her and get to ask her about her eye makeup, please let me know her secrets!

  9. I'm a big fan of green day! I love their style, their lyrics and the way they animate their concerts. So I think that if I had the opportunity to meet a famous person, it will be Billy Joe Armstrong; the singer of the group. We'll eat in my house, I'll prepare a tradionnal moroccan meal like Tajine or something else. We will talk about a lot of things such as his childhood and his inspiration and what let him write a very amazing lyrics full of meaning.

    1. This is a solid paragraph. I love the song, "Minority." Good choice!

  10. If i could have a dinner with a famous person, i would choose Nadia Comaneci a Romanian gymnast, winner of three olympic gold medals and first female gymnast that had a score of 10 in olympic gymnast. I would invite her in Josephine restaurant, one of the best restaurant in Tangier; i'll introduce Nadia to Moroccan cuisine such as (pastilla, couscous, Tagine). We would talk about sport and especially her life because it's a little strong and mysterious.I believe that it would be an amazing and unforgettable days, but when a dream comes true ?

  11. I love Nadia Comaneci! She was my idol when I was a gymnast when I was younger. She is an amazing female athlete! Very good choice, Dalal. If I go to Tangier, I will look for Josephine Restaurant.

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