Thursday, September 5, 2013

How can technology be used for learning?

How can technology be used for learning?

Students -

This your prompt for today.  I want you to write a paragraph on this prompt, using all those topic sentence, cohesion, and concluding skills we talked about in class this week. This will be your first of many blog entries on this site.  


  1. Close your eyes, take a deep breathe and imagine how would your life be without technology. It's hard to picture isn't it ?
    We rely on technology on a daily basis, and some of us are even addicted to their technological devices such as computers or smartphones.
    We do usually use these devices when willing to socialize or to entertain ourselves, but is there a more effective way to use them ? And how can technology be used for learning ?
    For instance, as part of our writing class we are using at this very moment computers and internet to submit a paragraph on a blog.
    Indeed, technology allows us to access more information,from all around the world in a blink of an eye, isn't that amazing ?
    In addition to that; with the rise of smartphones, people are able to access all the information they need , whenever and wherever they feel like it, and with applications such as "TED" they can significantly broaden their knowledge.
    We also tend to forget about video games as an aspect of modern technology, they can also help with learning, but I am certainly not talking about Gear or Arcade games but more about educational ones, the ones that allow you to exercise your brain cells or even to acquire more valuable information.
    So, in brief, technology can be used in many ways to help us learn, and we're only one step away from handling all the knowledge we need : cutting off procrastination and getting some work done.

    1. Fantastic blog post, Meryem! You should be very proud. My only critiques would be to try to keep your writing in paragraph form (by using continuous sentences, instead of restarting new sentences at the left margin every two sentences), and try not to be so zealous with using engaging questions as a rhetorical device. Posing questions to the reader once per paragraph gives a the reader unique and fresh opportunity to question his/her own thoughts. However, continuous using it makes it seems as if you are not confident in your opinion or the reader's ability to follow your position. Can you see where I'm coming from?

  2. Technology can be a great tool for learning. In fact, it enables us to access to a lot of resources, such as online encyclopedias, books, courses, researches... It provides you with very useful information, and it can actually do what humans couldn't. For example, the microscope made it possible to see cells, bacterias, which was very helpful in many discoveries and cures. Technology makes everything easy for learning. On your computer, you can have a dictionary, a calculator, a vitual piano, and many other things that you can use to empower yourself with new skills and abilities. Furthermore, technology has progressed to a point that even if you are blind, deaf, or handicapped, you still can learn, and you can feel as if your handicap is no longer an obstacle.
    In other words, today, ignorance is a choice, everything you need/want to know is within easy reach, thanks to technology.

    1. Alia, I very much enjoyed your blog post. Your writing seems fluid and natural, and I can hear a bit of a writer's voice in your words. There are some little errors (don't use ellipses (...) where you can use a simple period). Also some of your noun plurals are inaccurate (1 bacterium, 3 bacteria, 300 bacteria cells). Just watch these small errors when proofreading, and your writing will improve easily.

  3. Nowadays, technology is evolved almost everywhere, learning part from it. Computer scientists and teachers have cooperated together to create rich interactive platforms to benefit as much as possible from computers in learning. For example, let's take the -infamous- internet, by itself it can replace the best teacher in the world. Internet gives access to millions not to say billions of articles, researches, books and online courses. In just few clicks you are emerged with hundreds and hundreds online websites to feed your need. But technology hasn't stopped here, new devices are now on the market to help you. Now for book lovers, e-book readers are available. It can store thousands of books, come with internal dictionaries and highlighting features, everything needed a reader. So, admit technology has made learning really easy.

    1. Achraf, your blog post is very good; it has lot of very technical vocabulary. Great work with your vocabulary. However, some of the fluidity is lost in your writing, because of misuse of articles, transitions, and punctuation. I really feel that you would benefit a lot from a little refreshing on the mechanics of grammar in writing.

  4. LIFE without technology ??!! ERROR 404.
    Nowadays, the whole word depends on high-tech : Internet, smartphones, television . These tools are the most important and efficient mean of learning and communication. Furthermore, these gadgets allow us to have information in several fields anywhere and at anytime. Also , it helps us to save time , go straight to the information we are looking for and choose from different resources such as digital libraries ,documentaries , videos, encyclopedies , books ,and articles . Besides, technology can play the role of teacher using virtual or online learning . It is really benefic because it is freely available to anyone . Moreover , this virtual learning helps us to clarify our ambigous and equivocal thoughts , exceed our weakness and improve our educational level .
    Technology enables us to learn easily , freely and efficiently . Also, high-tech bears us a hand to improve our education , become cultivated and updated to globe's development .

    1. Haha: "LIFE without technology??!! ERROR 404." Very good "hook" to engage in the first sentence. In future writing, please replace "nowadays" (which is usually only spoken English) with "today." Very good blog post, please just be more aware of your proofreading and punctuation.

  5. A human being is created with a clean mind , then he starts learning . he can learn faster then any other entity , so how about when we bring all what can be learned to it's hand , this is what we call technology !
    the books are the old way of learning things , now that the technology took it's place in the modern world and noting can be done without it , it became the main tool of learning because of the amount of information that's in it , for example when you open a page in the web you find yourself in front of so much information that your mind can't memorize the all thing .
    technology is what made us capable of learning easily , and most important thing , it's what made us capable of realize that in this world there is not only one way of thinking .

    1. Omar, your ideas are so clear and fluid, but your punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization are all over the place! Please, next time, do some proof reading. You thoughts and examples are clear, but your mistakes in the aforementioned areas make reading you work more confusing than it needs to be.

  6. Technology has become a great part of every field in our daily lives, and education is no exception to that statement. Students can now find various types of web-sites where they can overcome whatever difficulties they have in different subjects. You can find everything from lectures, to presentations, to articles. This can prove to be useful for university students especially since most of these web-sites are free of charges. It’s an amazing alternative to tutoring sessions which require a lot of time and money. Moreover Tools like TurnItIn's Originality Check may help the teacher identify plagiarism and teach students to use sources responsibly. Technology is also a big help during group projects; thanks to task management tools, time tracking applications and calendaring, you can be sure not to forget anything important, group members can also stay in touch via e-mails, blogs, virtual meetings, video conferencing, screen sharing, etc… In addition to that lectures which include presentation with graphics, statistics, and pictures are often easier to understand and remember, not to mention the fact that they encourage students to participate in class. In brief, a broad range of information quick and easy to use, preserving academic integrity, facilitating communication and encouraging students to interact with teachers, all that and more is what technology has contributed to learning and education.

    1. Yousra, this is so well-writing I almost want to post to to see if you plagiarized! Good work! One minor piece of writing advice: when using et cetera (etc.) to list words in a series, classification, or state multiple facts, etc., please use just one full stop after the abbreviation.

  7. Technology has made our lives easier. Through it's different tools, it has become and effective way to acquire or reinforce existing knowledge.
    Computers and tablets can act nowadays as books, magazines, enable the access to the internet for emails checking quickly and also run programs which are meant to help learners save time doing multiple same tasks like accounting or solving advanced mathematical concepts that usually take a lot for time and energy if done by humans.
    The usage of technology has gone beyond expectations. By dint of the new concept "The artificial intelligence" a computer can forecast, do the necessary computations needed to offer a large data base of informations that are used by researchers to anticipate calamities and improve our lives in general.
    Learning with technology can be useful, fun and effective make sure you are using it to improve your knowledge whenever you can.

    1. Your ideas and examples, Oumaima, are very interesting and thought-provoking. However, I would like to see you proofread your sentences more before posting. There are some minor grammar and word choice mistakes that interfere with the fluidity of your writing. Work on this for next time.

  8. As we know, teenagers nowadays are very fascinated by technology. They can spend all their time just in front of a computer or other technology machine. Unfortunately, they're using it in a very bad way in general. They employ it just to play or watch movies. So ,why don't we use the technology in better ways by inserting it in schools and high schools ? They will find studies easier. They will like to do their homework because the Internet facilitates the job. Or we can use technology by creating some online schools like The Florida Virtual School. It consists to give to the student all the instructions to learn and work just through Internet. 

    1. Yassir: I like your thought process in this blog post, but I who is "they?" You seem to quote "they" a lot, but I am unsure of where the information or who "they" is. Please keep this in mind, that the reader can only understand the information you give him/her.

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  10. Technology contributes a lot in learning. Learning by using technology, also called the E-learning, is one way of learning easily and efficiently. Technology can improve our learning in many ways. It has a better simulations and models, which makes the learning dynamic and very interesting. It's also based on the human interaction, learning things by doing them and practising is statistically the most profitable way of learning.There also on-line university who teach their students on-line. To sum-up, the technology helps students to learn easily while having fun.

    1. Good ideas and good supporting details in this response paragraph blog, Marwane. I like your example of "learning through human practicing..." I believe this is a very effective way of getting students to engage with what they are learning. Also, I think your transition were well-placed. Please remember to proofread before posting to avoid minor mistakes in accuracy.

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  12. Nowadays, technology had invaded our lives , and especially in the learning field . Learning became easier since technology had participated in It . As we see, in the preschool , learning the alphabet ,numbers and words requires the use of stereo , television or computer . In the middle school and the colleges , lessons and experiments are made in the school laboratories with the use of hi-tech tools . Also data projects had facilitated many thing in the learning process . On the other side , for persons who are unable to go to classes or athletes who can’t miss their competitions ; they can take online courses .Also internet has highly contributed with the quick search. All in all , we can’t imagine our learning without any technological tool , because they are really necessary .

    1. Salma, I like your perspective the different ways in which technology facilitates education. This is a solid paragraph response. However, please pay attention to your punctuation when typing; your use of semicolons is off and there are spaces between the last letter of words and the commas.

  13. How can you imagine learning without technology ? technology facilitate learning by giving more opportunity to understand, and to facilitate the way that you learn. I believe that without technology people will no longer be motivated to study and learn;for example, to learn the skills of how to write a good paragraph, i use a technology (Internet) to send my paragraph. In addition, all university use technology to make learning easier by providing internet and multimedia lab because technology can be using as a teacher. Finally,learning without technology is limited knowledge.

    1. Good reasoning for your opinion in this paragraph, Dalal. However, please remember that just because this is your own opinion and a blog post, does not mean you should neglect formal capitalization and punctuation. Work on this next time.

  14. World’s change was really noticed this last century. Most of the sector was been developed by technology. Our world is now very expanded. So how about using technology in learning ?
    Let’s take only the example of the information; in the past, a few person could take the information, but now , and thanks to all the media , we are well informed about all what around us. The information is the most important thing, because it explains us what happened, and then we can make decision about future. We have now a war for the information, the first who take it, win the fight.
    Technologies also made a big jump to help students. Nowadays, we can use the e-learning method to attend classes over the world. This issue is very helpful for people who are faced to transport difficulties, they become able to work ON TIME for a better comprehension. Moreover, thanks to Internet, institutions don’t need to the all the scientific experiments for their students. Videos on Internet are showing now every experiments with many details. In addition to that, technology is know useful for teachers also, they can now be aware about plagiarism, and that’s what will push students to work harder. In this case the selective system will be loyal because it is based on a sure database. Finally, I can say that we have to develop technology , but we have also to go back to the old character, which makes solidarity and love between people.


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