Thursday, November 28, 2013

What Moroccan city has the friendliest people?

In the spirit of the argumentative essay, please write a blog post (1-2 paragraphs) telling me which city in Morocco has the friendliest Moroccans.  Tell me why you think these people are the friendliest, what they do to be so friendly, and why other Moroccans might disagree with you about your choice of city.  I'd like to see supporting ideas and refutations.

This post is due by Thursday, December 5, 2013.


  1. No one can deny that Moroccan citizens are kind. But the degree of kindness varies from a city to another. And it's known that people from Beni-Mellal are the most amiable and welcoming in the whole country. One can argue about this fact; however it has been proven by the Moroccan government that the friendliest city is Beni-Mellal. There's more, in big cities, people are always in a hurry that you cannot rely on them when you are in need. They are always overloaded by their work, and thus, they will not spend their free time to do you a favor. In the other hand, Beni-Mellal is a small city, surrounded by splendid nature and mountains. This have good effect in the residents, there's less stress and weight. To summarize, Beni-Mellal is the right place if you look for sympathetic and cordial neighbors.

  2. No one can deny that Moroccan citizens are kind. But the degree of kindness varies from a city to another. And it's known that people from Beni-Mellal are the most amiable and welcoming in the whole country. One can argue about this fact; however it has been proven by the Moroccan government that the friendliest city is Beni-Mellal. There's more, in big cities, people are always in a hurry that you cannot rely on them when you are in need. They are always overloaded by their work, and thus, they will not spend their free time to do you a favor. In the other hand, Beni-Mellal is a small city, surrounded by splendid nature and mountains. This have good effect in the residents, there's less stress and weight. To summarize, Beni-Mellal is the right place if you look for sympathetic and cordial neighbors.

  3. Marrakesh is known for its friendly and funny people, they are also known for being helpful but mostly lazy. But is it right to define a whole city as being one way or another? I think generalizations and assumptions are to be avoided and that every single person has their own personality so why even bother trying to define someone for being such and such. Moroccans in general are kind and hospitable, they tend to be gossipy but they will never leave someone at risk, they will always offer to take you somewhere if you are lost and if you pass by the Medina don't be surprised if a merchants asks you in for a cup of tea.

  4. My father and I are from Erfoud, Erfoud is a city that is located in the eastern south of Morocco exactly in the Errachidia’s provincial. Erfoud is one of the most touristic cities in Morocco because there are many beautiful and natural places to visit there. People there are living in a simple way and always smiley, and they are too much serious in their life. People are also so hospitable and helpful, and that what say all the foreigners who go there. Erfoud is also known by the making of the most famous movies there. To sum up, Erfoud is the friendliest city in Morocco. Finally, people there has the main jobs in Morocco by their seriousness.

  5. In my point of view, people of Marrakesh are the friendliest people. That's because they are almost always happy. They are very humoristic and very gentle. It's very easy to know them and that's because of they open minded spirit. When you're in a trouble in their city, they could do anything to help you. I noticed that when we're in a meeting or something else, people from Marrakesh are always those who talk to everybody and keep in touch with people.
    Some people might disagree and say that they are maybe friendly, but not as much as other cities habitants. They will surely say that they are a big city habitants and they are always stressed and busy. They may also say that the friendliest people are those who live in villages, because they have a lot of free time and they are always available to be at your help.

  6. Morocco is a very various country. In fact, each city is different from the other, from cultural habits to language. Morocco is also known for being a welcoming country, as its inhabitants are friendly and warm-hearted. But to my mind, the friendliest Moroccans are those from Marrakesh. People there have a good sense of humour, they are easy-going and cool. A Marrakchi will make you smile not matter what is your problem. He will draw a smile on your face by telling you a joke or making a weird face. Moreover, Marrakchis are helpful and trustworthy. If you need any kind of help, without even asking for it, they will offer it to you and be by your side. Some people may say that Marrakchis are arrogant and stingy, but this is just a stereotype because they are the exact opposit: modest and generous.

  7. If I had to rank Moroccan cities that has the friendliest people, I would definitely put Marrakech among the very first ones because I think that it's people are naturally friendly and welcoming and since it's the most known moroccan touristic city in the world, I believe that they do have to be friendliest to attract that enormous number of tourists every year. They are cheerful people, you'll always see them smiling, except Meryem Akhawanchouf she's not a real Marrakchi, and telling jocks all of the time, they might also welcome you to they're houses or give you free meals if you are in need. They are the most welcoming people I've ever seen in Morocco.Opponents may claim other cities instead of Marrakech because of personal experiences and memories of cities they have been to and the people they may have known there.

  8. I believe that Marrakech is the most friendliest city in Morroco. Marrakech is known for its touristic aspect; it's one of the most visited cities in the world. That's not a coincidence because of its positive attitude. " Marrakechis" (people from Marrakech) are very special people; they are always having fun and enjoying their time. They don't care of their daily life problems. If you visit "Jamaa el fna" (the big place in the center of Marrakech), you will find funny people dancing and singing. Marrakech is the friendliest city in morocco because of their warmth and their benignity. In all times that I had visited marrakech, I discovered funny and kind people, but of course any city in the world has its exceptions.

  9. Morocco is known for his friendly people. In each city, people have their own nature and temper. I don't think that there is an ultimate friendly city with honest people and nice guys everywhere. The bigger the city; the bigger the population and therefore the bigger the diversity is. That said, there are some cities that have the reputation of having friendly population. Marrakesh for example is well known for it friendly and very funny people. It's kind of a positive stereotype. They are also know for always having funny jokes to tell and also making the atmosphere enjoyable.

  10. I like to think that everyone in Morocco is friendly and welcoming. However, there are some people who are especially kind: people who are originally from Dakhla. Some might argue that Marrakech has the friendliest and funniest people in Morocco. It is true that Marrakchi people can be extremely fuuny, they are nationally known for being fun to hang around with. But I believe that Dakhla definitely has the kindest people. I know this by experience: when I first went to Dakhla, people I had just met were inviting me over to their houses for couscous and camel milk. In Dakhla, hospitality that would seem abnormal elsewhere is considered ordinary. Even though Asila also has its fair amount of hospitable people, Dakhla has a great amount of people who are willing to go through a lot of trouble to help total strangers. This to me, is an amazing thing and has made Dakhla the most welcoming city in Morocco in my view.

  11. Morocco is known to be a friendliest country. There are many aspects of these such as the hospitality of their citizens. For example, if you are lost and you don't have where to spend a night you can just ask someone and tell him " Hna talbin dif allah" and he will automatically tell you "merhba bdif allah". There are many cities in Morocco that are know to be the most friendliest cities in the world such as Marrakech and Agardir.

  12. Morocco is known to be a friendliest country. There are many aspects of these such as the hospitality of their citizens. For example, if you are lost and you don't have where to spend a night you can just ask someone and tell him " Hna talbin dif allah" and he will automatically tell you "merhba bdif allah". There are many cities in Morocco that are know to be the most friendliest cities in the world such as Marrakech and Agardir.

  13. Marrakesh, the red Moroccan pearl, has the funniest and friendliest people in the whole kingdom. When you go to the ochre city, you never feel homesick or strange. It’s a glimpse of heaven. Marrakshi people are always laughing and trying to make you feel comfortable and happy. The Bahjawa are known for their sense of humor and taking it easy. In addition, they are famous for their generosity, big hearts and being so helpful. Some people believe that we shouldn’t prejudge people and generalize facts, because everyone has his own qualities and defaults. But most of Moroccan people admit that Marrakesh has its own charm thanks to its habitants, who are hospitable, kind hearted, and very welcoming. Not to be unfair and mean, every Moroccan region has its own characteristics and charming values. But, we also have to admit that people are different: they are good and bad citizens. That’s why we say that Morocco is culturally diverse ;).

  14. Morocco is a great country. It has every single thing to make it a great place to live. The city that has the friendliest people for me is definitely Ifrane. The simplest thing to talk about is how those people guide you when you are lost with a big smile on their faces. When you go to a store, the cashier always thank you for the visit and ask you to come again. One day I was sick and couldn’t move so my neighbors came to my home and took care of me the all day, even the people who lives on top of me came to visit me by hour.

  15. As we know, people's mindset changes from a region to another, even from a city to another. We can take the example of Marrakech people, who are in my own belief the friendliest people in Morocco, compared to their proximity's neighbor from Agadir who are very rude and antipathetic.When you are in Marrakech you feel so good in term of socialization, because people there are always in touch with foreigners and tourists thanks to the touristic role of that city. Marrakshi people are always smiling and try to make a joyful and nice atmosphere. Moreover, they are very hospitable and can always be helpful for a foreigner. Moroccans have a long story with Marrakesh during the holidays and the great celebrations. Every year, to celebrate the new day, most of moroccans go there to enjoy their stay. In addition to that, Marrakesh has always been chosen as a city which organize many international conferences (in the famous Palais des Conferences for example), but also many festivals as the most known one Festival du Cinema de Marrakech. And I think that government hadn't choose Marrakech as an organizing city just for fun. They all know that people there are really friendly and helpful.

  16. To me all Moroccans are friendly, we are known for being warm, welcoming and hospitable, in fact it does depend on every person, and some people are friendlier than others. But as a general idea, I would say that people from bigger cities tend to be colder or distant, it is always easier to reach to people from the country side and it is known that those who have to least are the ones who give the most.

  17. I believe that Casablanca is the friendliest city in Morocco. First of all, because of its mixture of cultures and traditions which main purpose is to provide hospitality and help to visitors, family and also strangers. Secondly, it is totally impossible that you knock a house door in Casablanca asking for help, food, drink and you don’t get it. I remember when I was living with my grandma, every day people used to come to our house asking for water, and because we were living in house near the road to the souk; grandma had been making water in the fridge with huge quantities in case if somebody ask for it will find. It was a pleasure for me to serve them, because every time I do it, I got a warm prayer from. The same case if they ask for food or tea, they will get from the food that we would have prepared.


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