Thursday, December 5, 2013

"The U.S. believes: Everyone has the right to be special. Europe holds: Being ordinary should be OK for everyone." - Alain de Botton

I love to gauge other culture's perspectives on Western culture.  What do you think of Alain de Botton's quote? Is he right?  Is this how Europeans and Americans think within their societies (i.e. their mindsets)?

If you agree with him, which mindset do you think is better, and why? If you disagree, what do you think the mindset might be?  What are the implications of having these American or European mindsets?

If Morocco had a mindset, what would it be?

Please write your response to this blogpost by Tuesday, December 10.


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  3. I see that Alain de Botton is right, if you want to be nothing more than just Ok then it's your right. But we cannot say that this is how every European person thinks, or that all American people think that everyone should be special. But I do prefer the US mindset, if you are born special or that you want to be special then it's your right, you can do it and no one should ever judge you for being different.
    I also believe that if Morocco had a mindset, it would be: " You can be whoever you want inside, but make sure that you appear your best on the outside." Because unfortunately Moroccans are very judgmental and non-conforming to the society standards is very incriminated.

  4. To my mind, after reading the quote, I found "Everyone has the right to be special." really inspiring. According to Alain de Botton, this his US mindset. I think he is right as in the United States, there is a kind of freedom in your beliefs, way of living, culture and religion. Furthermore, you find very extravagant and original people. They are, in general, not judged, but admired for what they are and how different they can be. While in Europe, being different can be considered as being weird. There is a kind of prototype of how you need to be. Less trouble and confusion, more organization and similarity. In other words, you are what the society wants you to be. People should stick to some values, principles, way of dressing and way of living too. But there are some exceptions in both US and Europe, I cannot judge as a whole entity.
    Concerning Morocco, if it has a mindset, it would be "Either you are original or ordinary, judgment awaits you." I am saying this because unfortunately, Moroccans have what we call "an eternal dissatisfaction". They will always find something wrong about you and point at it as if it was the only thing they see. Even though perfection does not exist, they are always seeking for it. That leads us to being even farther from it.

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  6. The famous mindset in the USA is American Dream. It inspires opportunities, freedom, glory, prosperity and success. Millions of people from all over the globe went there, with the idea of fortune and hope to show his talents to the world. From these perspectives, it is crystal clear that Alain Bottom’s quote is one hundred percent true. Critics may argue about this fact, but the best example to persuade them is the famous companies as Google, Microsoft and Apple just to say…
    Europe in the other hand is less pessimistic. No one can deny their strength and power, but we can clearly see that its power is decreasing over time. There’s less creativity and imagination in the European ideology. European products nowadays tend to be boycotted. It’s rare to find some originality in their merchandises. So, there no problem for being a normal person, which matches again with what Alain stated in his quote.
    In Morocco, it’s another story. The Moroccan ethos is “Do whatever to survive “. Thus, we must work hard to reverse the actual situation to a better one. Before finishing the last blog post take this quote as a tip: "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.” From James Truslow Adams.

  7. It's true that U.S. has special mindsets; American citizens believe in nonesuch personalities and lifestyles. However, Europe has different mindsets; they believe in a certain norm that each citizen should respect. I strongly agree with the fact that American people are sort of amazing. I think that we have to trust in differences and unmatched personalities. It's a kind of freedom to be special; I maintain that we have the right to be unique because if we don't how can we mark our presence in the world. All persons who are famous in our world had special personalities and unique perspective on the world.
    In my country, Morocco, unluckily we have a strange mindsets. We all depend of how others see us. It's a little bit like the European mindsets but it lacks of awareness. Unfortunately, we still have a big part of our society who is illiterate and that's why we can say that we have an heterogeneous mindsets.

  8. I agree with both the Us and the Europe mindsets. I think everyone can be however they want to be as long as they don't harm anyone else. But i wouldn't say that all Western people think one way or another everyone has his or her oun mentality.Eventually, i would say that the Moroccan culture doesn't let anyone be outstandingly special creativity is not allowed. So the Moroccan mindset would be " Everyone has the Ordinary"

  9. When I read that quote I simply felt furious. I find it taking side of the Americans. Excuse me for expressing my opinion. I could go with my nagging but instead, I will say what comes to my mind. I feel that every person is itself, everyone has a unique personality, and I think that no two persons in the entire universe are the same, even if they could act the same, talk the same way and even have the same ideas, each person is different from the other one. My religion says that people are not same and the best is the one with the strongest believe in god and the one who acts better toward people. I only used the religious view to prove that humans are not the same. The thing that frustrate me the most is when someone is trying to look like a famous person and change his personality. If Morocco had a unique mindset, it would be something like “if you want someone to do his job and serve you, you’d better give him some money, even if it’s your right”. It’s pathetic but true, the dark truth about my beloved country, you only survive and get your rights if you are rich or if you know someone who is powerful.

  10. I do think that Alain de Botton is somewhat right. I think the american mindset tends to encourage being special. It even seems to me that sometimes, American people shun the ordinary and are apt to see an "unextraordinary" person as boring and uninteresting. I think that has resulted from a society that has defined something that is not meant to be defined: "special," and so anyone who doesn't fit into that image is considered just another "gray spot." As for the European mindset according to Alain de Botton, I think that that is quite right. I actually find myself leaning more towards that kind of mindset. The kind that encourages being special while still accepting that some people might not be as "special" as others, and may be special in their own way. After all, what is special? Are we really as special as we think we are? Have you ever read a passage in a book and just couldn't believe your eyes? You thought that that particular idea was yours, that it was originated from the very essence of the thinking individual that you are. But still, there it is, written by someone else, in a way that you thought only could express. So all in all, I think people should just be given the space they need to blossom as an original entity. Just like what I see the Moroccan mindset to be: If you want to do something great and mark people's lives , that's great. But if you want to live a wonderful simple life where you hold great importance in the eyes of the closest people to you, then that's also great. Everyone is special, just like no one really is. We are all a small peculiar part of a greater whole.

  11. I strongly agree with the quote above because America believes that human capital can be increased only through specialization of humans as a labor force. In other words, when Alain de Botton claims the right for everyone to be special, he actually encourages people to have different center of interest which would lead them to get specialized in a specific field. As a future BA student, I believe that being special, following your self-interest, promotes the social interest by increasing your own productivity, thus your country's wealth.

  12. Everyone has the right to be special, why not? I mean if you have to be special why would anyone blame you for that. On the other hand, it is also your right to be nothing more than okay, no one should ever criticize you for any lifestyle choice you make, it’s part of your personal freedom. So I would say that I agree with both western mindsets. What about morocco? Well, I believe that the own exclusive and original Moroccan mindset should be “ You have the right not to offend anyone” in reference to a well know and wide spread proverb that says “ Your freedom ends right before when someone else’s starts.”

  13. I can say that Alain de Botton is perfectly right. I believe that the American society allows the enrichment and blossoming of your spirit. Whereas European people do the same, but in a very conservative and serious way. So, we can see that American is diverse culturally and socially. It is also a mixture of different ideas and principles abstracted from different cultures. So, USA is widely open and allows the spiritual opening because of its main mindsets. As we know the American diversity makes American people different and special. Whereas, the European people are stuck in one principle, which is work and the fanaticism of their culture. As a result, European aren’t really open on other cultures and try to emulate their archaic habits so they settle for what they know : so they have an ordinary lifestyle . To sum up, Alain de Botton American have the best life understanding.

  14. "The U.S. believes: Everyone has the right to be special. Europe holds: Being ordinary should be OK for everyone." - Alain de Botton. I think that this mindset is right. In USA, there are tons of different type of human-being. It's a right to be special. If everyone was the same, our world would be very boring. It has no sense to be all the same. We would be all just a bunch of brainless sheep. If morocco had a mindset it would be : If you are different, you are excluded. Most of the people here have this traditional view of life. Still, Morocco is a warm country, but it has one of the most warm people.

  15. I totally agree with Alain Botton’s quote. Everyone has the right to choose if they want to be special or ordinary. People are free to be different, to act as they want to, dress, eat and live. I believe that the Moroccan mindset in kind of weird, it is basically judged on the physical aspect of the person, if you get a different haircut, they see as an alien. If you wear something special, you’re odd. That’s mean if you want to be special you are strange.

  16. I think that everyone has the freedom to choose how to behave. Everyone can behave ordinary or can behave specially. No one has the right to impose something on someone. I agree with Alain Botton's because he beleives that poeple are free to be differnet and also free to do what they want. to conclude, freedom of choice is the most important choice for the society.


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