Thursday, November 21, 2013

You are trying to read the morning newspaper when your cat begins pawing at your leg. You brush it away, but it jumps on the table and begins meowing. Finally, the cat speaks. What does it say? Write this scene and what is the cat trying to tell you.

It's no secret that I love animals.  I've always wondered what my pets would say to me if they could talk. Please write a creative writing post (1-2 paragraphs) on the topic above.

If you want some cat inspiration, click on this link:

Your post is due on Wednesday, Nov. 28th.


  1. Last Sunday, I woke up early in the morning. I prepared my breakfast and I started reading newspapers. I saw the neighbor's cat entering to our garden; the cat was turning around and searching for a nice and warm place to sleep in. I always think that cats are very beautiful animals, but I hate their attitude. They are always bothering people and consuming without giving any effort. In general, I think that they are very insolent pets. I forgot the cat for a while and I started reading news about the political " conflict " between Algeria and Morocco. It is probably a fake conflict, the two countries are just getting the attention of both populations to manipulate them. AAAH!!! I felt a strange thing in my legs. It was that crappy cat! I kicked him very far; he started doing bizarre sounds. I felt guilty about my act. Suddenly the cat jumped on the table. I was very scared; I thought that he would attack me, but he started speaking. First, I thought that I was dreaming, but after I rubbed my eyes, I found myself in front of a talking cat. " Why did you kicked me damned human?" he said. " Am I a ball!". It was just impossible but interesting. I told him that I was sorry and I didn't meant to hurt him. He jumped in the floor and he left the house. It is the strangest experience in my life.

  2. So I was sitting at my kitchen table binging on different foods, I recall eating a nutella-siracha sandwich when my dog jumped on the table.I went to him : "Dude get off the table, I'm munching.."
    The weird thing about the situation is that he pulled some sunglasses out of nowhere and wore them. Then he told me: " I am here to talk to you about your destiny, we have a mission we need to achieve by the time the sun rises on Gotham city." But then I was like : " Woaaaaaaaahh, are you Batman ? ."
    "Yes Mer, I am Batman and there are lives we need to save."
    So we went off, running on electricity wires, chasing after the crime and protecting the weak. It was a pretty amazing night until I woke from my stoned state of mind.

  3. I woke another day in my house, I made my coffee and sat on my preferred sofa. I took the newspaper and went directly to the jobs rubric. I'm looking for a job 3 weeks ago and I was hoping to find it through the announces on the newspaper. Suddenly, 'my cat' yes I said 'my cat' because I hate cats and this one is my ex-girlfriend's one. She left him here when she decided to break up because she didn't want to stay with a jobless person. Let's return to our story. So, the cat came next to me and begins pawing at my leg. I brushed it away just because I hate it, but it jumps on the table and begins meowing. Suddenly, he sat and started to toss till he was able to speak our language. He said to me these exact words: 'Hey you, what are you doing here, it has been 3 weeks that you're only sleeping eating and checking on the newspaper. Is it the life you always dreamt of ? Come on dude, get out and look after a job, you have to move to knock some companies doors and take some interviews... If you continue like this, we won't have anything to eat for next days coming. Stop being lazy, you let her go because she was tired of this situation,and you didn't even promise her to try to find a job. Be more mature and responsible." Then he shut up and started meowing again. The week after, I found this job and I'm passing this interview to try to take this job. Those are my motivations: Get back my girlfriend and feed this awesome cat.
    Then I finished the interview.
    By the way,I had the job ! It was a clown in a primary school.

    1. By the way,I had the job ! It was a clown in a primary school because they found me funny at telling stories.

  4. I was chilling in my garden, enjoying the sunny beautiful weather when the neighbors' cat came to me. It started rubbing its face on my leg like if it wanted me to pet it, but the cat annoyed me so I told it to get away from me. But the cat kept on annoying me so I told it : what do you want ? Surprisingly the cat answered and said : well I am here to warn you against a robbery. There are thefts in the neighborhood and you should pay attention and lock your windows at night. It was a weird event but at least it saved me from robbers.

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  7. One day I woke up, and I decided to have my breakfast. While I was eating, I noticed that I forgot my morning news paper. Then, I decided to bring it and read it. While I was reading my newspaper, my cat came and started pawing at my leg. At the beginning, I brushed it away, and she jumped on the table and started meowing. After that, she came in front of me and started speaking. First, it said to me that it was so hungry. I was so surprised, and I taught that I was dreaming. But after a big breath, I realized that it was real. I decided to bring to it something to eat. After it finished eating, it started to speak again. It told me that I was treating it in a bad way and that I should more take care of it. It began criticizing me and my personality. It was very interesting to know your defects by an animal. To sum up, I can say that this morning was the craziest and the scariest experience that I’ve ever had in my life.

  8. This is how I solved the mystery of pyramids. I woke up early that morning, about 5 am. I was assigned the duty to solve a mysterious case. For a remainder, my name is Sherlock Holmes...
    Two days earlier, while sitting with my dear friend Watson talking about the local police and their achievements. A mysterious woman came to my apartment. That look in her eyes should have warned me even before she started talking. She was really scared.
    "I need your help before I die".
    From here dressing, it was crystal clear that she was living in Windsor, a small town near London. She was married, and have two or three children. The most insignificant detail is sometimes a crucial part to make a deduction.
    We listened to here terrible story, and I was right. Her husband was dead in a mysterious accident three years ago. He was supposed to return from work, but he never returned that nigh. He was found the following day dead in a corn field, with a note written in it “The Pharaoh returned for revenge”. Now, three years passed, and a weird pyramid appeared from nowhere in front the lady's house and disappeared in an instant.
    Now return to the present, I prepared a little breakfast, and started reading the morning newspaper. When my cat start talking. I was so astonished that I thought I was dreaming. Actually, She revealed me the secret of the pyramid case.

  9. I had a really long day, I was really tired. The next day, I woke up at 8am, had a breakfast, and sat in the garden to read the newspaper. Kitty began powing. It was the kind of cat that was really quiet, so I was a little bit surprised. I thought it was asking for cuddles or affection. I stroked it as usual but it won't stop pawing at my leg. When I looked at Kitty finally, it jumped on the table and started meowing. I replied with a "Miaaaou". Then, all of a sudden, it said :
    -"Oh, so you are trying to communicate, I'll make the task easier for you. Actually, I have several things to tell you, but you didn't give me the chance to do so. First of all, this cat food brand is just disgusting, I want fresh fishes instead. Second point, no! I don't want you to try to introduce me to your friend's cats, I already have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him. So stop it! Then, please, cheer up, and stop caring too much about details. You should value those little things in life that you already have. And finally, I want you to take me with on trips, I feel so lonely without company. Oh! I almost forgot, never forget that being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to see beyond the imperfections. Yes, this a famous quote, and yes, your cat is an intellectual! Be proud of it."
    I was just speechless. Miaou.

  10. I was in my living room, getting ready to eat a delicious sandwich while watching the latest episode of "the originals," when my cat jumped on my lap and started purring. I thought that she only wanted to be petted so I started to reach for her back when I noticed the look she was giving me. My cat was a Bombay, and her golden eyes plunged into mine. It sounds crazy, but I felt as if she wanted to tell me something. I decided to ignore it and put her on the floor, but she jumped on the table and looked right at me. She stood there for a second, and then spoke: "Yousra, it's about time we have a serious talk." I was shocked beyond belief. Not only had my cat just spoken to me, she was talking as if she was some wise aunt here to lecture me about something. I couldn't even manage to look away as she continued: "you're about to turn 18, this means your powers are starting to awaken. This also means that the society will try to make contact with you. I want you to be prepared, I need you to calm down and listen carefully." Calm down? I hadn't realized that I was shaking. My cat was talking to me, and she was going on and on about these powers and society matters. I couldn't have been more confused. However, I did listen to what she had to say. She noticed I had my full attention on her and explained more: "You come from a long powerful line of vrăjitoare, it's romanian for witch. That's where your magic finds its roots, and that's where the society holds its headquarters. You get your magic from your mom, and you will pass it on to your daughter. This is how it has always been, but the society has started to compel vrăjitoare and force them into passing their powers into chosen subjects in an unnatural way. I have been given the responsibilty by your aunts to protect you as the last viață user. Your powers are essential to the society's plan to create an ultimate vrăjitoare, and "take the world back from humans." The society has been trying to get to you for so long, but you have been able to stay hidden since your powers had not yet been awakened. But now, you need to understand the implications of your viață powers and the importance of controling them." I was not able to speak. How could I after this entire scene had taken place right in front of my eyes? But I did have a lot of question on my mind, and words were just about to come out of my mouth when I heard a crashing sound. I then realized it was night time, and understood that I had fallen asleep while watching a TV-show. Nonetheless, I got up and went looking for my cat. When I found her in the kitchen, her beautiful golden eyes only said one thing: "feed me human!"

  11. While I was sitting on the crouch watching an episode of south park, a cat came from nowhere. I was wondering what he was doing here. The cat started meowing for about 3 minutes. I told him to let me watch my TV show peacefully. The cat started to talk fo' real: ''I told you to give me something to eat dawg!''. I was like : "What the ..." He continued to talk : ''I'm really hungry go make me some tacos yo''. I was scared from that gangster cat so I tried as hard as I could to kick him out from the house. Out of nowhere, another cat came a said : '' Where is my money Carlos?!!". They started to fight then. It was an intense cat fight. The neighbors came and we started the betting. Carlos Vs CJ, El Mexico VS Afro-Americans. It was a magnificent fight. Carlos survived, I bought him some tacos and burritos and we started watching TV together. Carlos and I are still friends, he send me e-mails sometimes.

  12. I was reading the newspaper without reading it, only skipping pages so as to waste time, when my cat came and started making some weird sounds, I didn't pay much attention. Suddenly I heard" You! Yes you! It's been half an hour that I am trying to talk to you. But the miss doesn't want to hear anything! come on stop that depression and let's have fun" she turned the music on in the stereo and started dancing and singing. I was chocked, I couldn't believe my eyes. all the cats of the neighborhood joined her and began to dance, my only wish was to get up from that dream as soon as possible. Then I heard my clock alarm.

  13. What a sunny Sunday. I am enjoying the birds’ tweets, my delicious brunch, and the peace spreading in my neighborhood. Usually, I spend my Sundays laying on my couch, looking after my cat “ Coco”, and reading the whole week newspapers because I am a busy “businessman”. Bored, I gave up reading the world pathetic news and thought it would be better to have a break and meditate life, which is senseless: we live to die at the end. Because of my loneliness, I started talking to my cute kitty; she is my confidant and loyal secret keeper. I was asking Coco what I should do with my salary and admit that despite my managing skills, I am not able to manage my money wisely. Suddenly, I hear Coco saying: Stop being pathetic, you little avaricious monster. You could buy a Maserati or a Bentley, if you wanted to. But Mr. Dollars can’t spend his money on buying efficient things like fashionable clothes or getting married and set up home before you turn 42 in 2014. Stop complaining, it’s all your fault baby.


  14. Monday, 7am Rabat, Morocco.

    I just made my morning coffee and was responding to my emails when my cat started pawing at my leg again. It has been almost a week that he bothers me whenever I get back home, I even took him a veterinary and he said that he was fine, he's really getting on my nerves I'll maybe leave him at my brother's house if he keeps on doing this. As I pushed him away, I suddenly heard "Our apocalypse is close, cat's apocalypse is coming you need to help me Oumaima !" I got scared as I knew that nobody was at home except me. "Okay dumbass, It's been a week that I have been trying to let you know in other ways. Now because of your stupidity to never understand anything correctly I had to vow our secret to you. Now listen ! Save me, save us. I need to go back to my planet before next week, the earth is no longer safe for us cats. I shouldn't be telling you all of this…". Am I hallucinating ? It's like I can hear my cat talking to me I can't remember taking drugs or any pills yesterday. "I can read your mind also you know.. We cat's can make you humans hear us if we choose to, we just don't to keep ourselves safe and under your protection. Do you understand me ? You are not dreaming this is really happening to us right now. I'm also afraid I'll have to erase this from your memory otherwise the whole cats empire will be sacrewed because of me.. you've always been good with me, I'll come visit you whenever I'll have money to but petrol for my spaceship. After I'll erase you'll memory all you'll remember is that you have to find a way to take me to NewYork's Central Park monday before 12h that is when the spaceship will take most of the cats back to our planet." I am surely hallucinating I am never going to touch any drugs for sure.

    Few moments later I was still able to feel my little cat pawing at my leg and purring: "Miyaaaaaw miaaaaaou" and suddenly my phone calendar reminded me of buying a plane ticket to NewYork before next monday and I can't remember when I market this on my calendar.. It is also written that I am taking a pet with me… This is weird, and I am already late for work I better run to catch a taxi.

  15. It’s Saturday, the best day of the week. It was a great morning, sunny and warm. I woke up at 8 am, trying to squeeze the best of the weekend. I made a healthy breakfast containing every nutritious ingredient. I sat in the table and started to read the newspaper, suddenly, my cat jumped on the table and started mowing continuously. It was something unusual for me because my cat wasn’t the kind of cats who’s full of energy, in fact, he was always quiet and a bit sad. I finally carried him from the table and putted him on the ground. Once on the ground he started to look at me for about three or four minutes and suddenly started to speak, my cat has freaking spoke using human language. I just sat there and looked at him without saying a word, while he was talking. He said “look Omar, we lived together under the same roof for five year and you were always kind to me, despite all the naughty shit that you used to do and despite your lame friends always trying to examine me to see if I’m a male or female when they were drunk. You always cared for me and been nice to me. I just wanted you to know that you are the best owner I ever had, thank you”. I finally had the courage to ask him, I said “aren’t you a cat?”. He replied “in fact I’m a real cat, the thing that made me capable of speaking is my previous owner. She was a witch, one day I spilled one of her potions, so she have putted a spell on me and made me capable of speaking. I ran away from her and that’s how you’ve found me. The only thing that kept me from talking was that I’ve never had the courage to speak, I was afraid that you might think I’m a freak and throw me out”. I couldn’t say anything so I just sat there while hugging him.

  16. I never thought I would ever have to experience what happened to me the other day, I am still shocked but I think that when things like that ever happen it’s because it was meant to be or at least that there was a point behind all that, so let me tell you what happened.
    I was reading the newspaper in my kitchen when my cat came to me, it started pawing my leg as if it wanted to get my attention , I brushed it away but it kept meowing until I put my newspaper down .
    The cat jumped on the table and said to me, yes it literally spoke, “ Yousra, you need to get your life back on track, follow your dreams so that you won’t have any regrets”.
    Those were wise words and I decided to follow what the cat said.

  17. What a great day ! There is sunshine, the garden is flourishing, my brunch is prepared...and my join rolled! I That is how I was seeing the yesterday's morning. I chose to go take my brunch in the garden, in front of my best view at home. After finishing it, I striked my baby join and took a journal to read. I was in a soft ecstasy, with my kush burning at the left hand and the magazine at the other hand. I was reading quietly while my cat came near to my legs and start jumping and perturbing that beautiful moment. I beated him with my leg, I also hit him with the magazine but he didn't stop coming next to me and start ruffling me. But at a moment, I took him on my legs and I start beathing out weed smoked from my join. After 4 blowers, my closed his eyes and went on a long mental travel. Then, I was able to read my magazine at ease.


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